| - Bruce Johnson was an arson site inspector within the Baltimore Police Department who was suspected of causing some arson-for-hire crimes. He was hired by Harper Dearing to torture and kill Carter Plimpton for classified Naval documents regarding faulty Equinox wiring on various Navy ships (codenamed Aquamarine), as well as set the Equinox storage warehouse on fire to cover their tracks. He then attended to both arson-related crime scenes. He was eventually discovered by NCIS after deducing the remaining ingredient to perfect a particular arson-related chemical to not burn a hole through anything once planted and cornered at his home while he was leaving in his car. He offered to give any information regarding his employer in exchange for a lighter sentence. Unfortunately, his employer anticipated the possibility that he would make a plea bargain to avoid arrest, and rigged his car to explode with him inside when he shut off the car, killing him.
- Bruce Johnson was the track coach at the high school, and a father figure to Jimmy Tate, due to his father abandoning him, and his mother being neglectful. He also had him go for a scholarship for track. When Jimmy Tate learned that his girlfriend, Quinn Ellis, was pregnant, and the possibility that he was the father, he considered getting an abortion, and Johnson supplied him with $200 to get it. However, Jimmy later revealed that he wasn't going through with it, deciding to raise the child himself after learning what abortions really are from Nurse Laura Graham. Bruce then insinuated after learning this that Quinn might have slept with multiple boys, and any one of them could have been the father, and claimed that he heard it from some girls. In actuality, the real reason why he knew this was because he raped her in the locker rooms at one point, and he was in fact the only person other than Jimmy Tate who was a potential father to Ellis' unborn child. Several years after Jimmy's death, he was working at a gym. He arrived at the high school that Ellis and Tate's child, a Child Services orphan and delinquent named Claire Tate, was attending in a white sedan and revealed his supposed relationship to her. He was eventually forced to leave by several teachers, although not before he told her that he'd return for her soon. He was then questioned at the gym about whether he murdered Tate, as well as his ties to the abortion. He then encountered her again and promised to take her out to dinner. Eventually, he managed to pick her up from the school, which was later reported as an abduction. He and Claire then stayed low at a hotel, although a cell phone transmission picked up their location. He was then arrested for kidnapping charges, despite Claire's protests.