Doctor Janet Wallace was a Federation scientist whose expertise was in endocrinology and cell structure. Janet and James Kirk were romantically involved in 2261, but the two called it off in favor of their respective careers. Janet was eventually stationed on a lonely outpost at Aldebaran III, where she met her colleague and future husband, Theodore. After Theodore died, she received a stargram from Kirk, but otherwise lost touch with him until 2267.
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- Janet Wallace
- Janet Wallace
| - thumb|Janet Wallace (2267) Doktor Janet Wallace ist eine Naturwissenschaftlerin und alte Freundin von James T. Kirk. Sie befindet sich 2267 an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) als diese den Planeten Gamma Hydra IV besucht. Während eines Außeneinsatzes auf dem Planeten werden einige Besatzungsmitglieder der Enterprise von einer durch Strahlung verursachten Krankheit, die die Alterung beschleunigt, befallen. Dr. Wallace unterstützt das medizinsche Team der Enteprise bei der Suche nach einem Heilmittel. (TOS: )
- La dottoressa Janet Wallace era una scienziata della Federazione specializzata in endocrinologia e struttura cellulare. Janet e James Kirk ebbero una relazione nel 2261, ma i due si separarono per potersi occupare delle rispettive carriere. Janet venne assegnata ad un avamposto remoto, dove incontrò il collega e futuro marito, Theodore. Dopo la morte di Theodore, ricevette un messaggio da Kirk, ma si persero comunque di vista fino al 2267.
- Doctor Janet Wallace was a Federation scientist whose expertise was in endocrinology and cell structure. Janet and James Kirk were romantically involved in 2261, but the two called it off in favor of their respective careers. Janet was eventually stationed on a lonely outpost at Aldebaran III, where she met her colleague and future husband, Theodore. After Theodore died, she received a stargram from Kirk, but otherwise lost touch with him until 2267.
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| - Doctor Janet Wallace in 2267
| - La dottoressa Janet Wallace nel 2267
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| - Doctor Janet Wallace was a Federation scientist whose expertise was in endocrinology and cell structure. Janet and James Kirk were romantically involved in 2261, but the two called it off in favor of their respective careers. Janet was eventually stationed on a lonely outpost at Aldebaran III, where she met her colleague and future husband, Theodore. After Theodore died, she received a stargram from Kirk, but otherwise lost touch with him until 2267. Doctor Wallace was on board the USS Enterprise during its mission to Gamma Hydra IV. She worked with Doctor McCoy to find a cure for the radiation disease causing rapid aging in members of the senior staff, a task made all the more urgent due to the Romulan presence surrounding the Enterprise at the time. Doctor Wallace, who was not affected by the disease, was McCoy's right hand in attempting to find a cure, which turned out to be adrenaline. They were able to inject the crew, and Kirk was able to escape the Romulans. (TOS: "The Deadly Years" )
- thumb|Janet Wallace (2267) Doktor Janet Wallace ist eine Naturwissenschaftlerin und alte Freundin von James T. Kirk. Sie befindet sich 2267 an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) als diese den Planeten Gamma Hydra IV besucht. Während eines Außeneinsatzes auf dem Planeten werden einige Besatzungsmitglieder der Enterprise von einer durch Strahlung verursachten Krankheit, die die Alterung beschleunigt, befallen. Dr. Wallace unterstützt das medizinsche Team der Enteprise bei der Suche nach einem Heilmittel. (TOS: ) Janet Wallace wurde von Sarah Marshall gespielt und von Heidi Treutler synchronisiert.
- La dottoressa Janet Wallace era una scienziata della Federazione specializzata in endocrinologia e struttura cellulare. Janet e James Kirk ebbero una relazione nel 2261, ma i due si separarono per potersi occupare delle rispettive carriere. Janet venne assegnata ad un avamposto remoto, dove incontrò il collega e futuro marito, Theodore. Dopo la morte di Theodore, ricevette un messaggio da Kirk, ma si persero comunque di vista fino al 2267. La dottoressa Wallace si trovava a bordo della USS Enterprise durante la missione su Gamma Hydra IV. Collaborò col dottor McCoy per trovare una cura per la malattia da radiazioni che causò un rapido invecchiamento fra i membri più anziani dello staff. Mentr'essi soffrivano a causa della patologia, l' Enterprise venne circondata dai Romulani. Il Commodoro Stocker, un osservatore della Flotta Stellare, prese il comando della nave e, a causa della sua inesperienza, fu incapace di eludere i Romulani, che circondarono l' Enterprise. La dottoressa Wallace, che non venne contagiata, si rivelò essere il braccio destro di McCoy nel tentativo di trovare una cura, che si rivelò essere l'adrenalina. Riuscirono ad iniettarla all'equipaggio, e Kirk riuscì a mettere in fuga i Romulani. (TOS: "Gli anni della morte")
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