| - Poppycock (or POPPYCOCK!, sometimes Poopycock or Ploppycock in certain phases of inebriation) can be found all over the world. Poppycock is considered an artform in England, and occasionally in France (however in France, the word is considered highly offensive, and can be expressed through a specific hand gesture). Have you ever heard a sentence so ludicrous that its caused a curling in the lips, wrinkling of the brow, and a slight, awkward tilting of the head? Pompfycock.
| - Poppycock (or POPPYCOCK!, sometimes Poopycock or Ploppycock in certain phases of inebriation) can be found all over the world. Poppycock is considered an artform in England, and occasionally in France (however in France, the word is considered highly offensive, and can be expressed through a specific hand gesture). Although apparently some people believe poppycock to be just a mere word, devoid of any substance warranting an entry on a fictitious encyclopedia, it is in fact much, much more. Poppycock can refer to a number of regularly-encountered situations. Situations which may be perplexing, ridiculous, or otherwise completely insane. Have you ever heard a sentence so ludicrous that its caused a curling in the lips, wrinkling of the brow, and a slight, awkward tilting of the head? Pompfycock. Other terms directly correlated to Poppycock are Tomfoolery, Pussyfooting (mostly used in legal jargon and archaic texts. see Code of Hammurabi & Magna Carta) and the ever so popular babblefroth (caution: when using the aforementioned term you must literally be tiptoeing through the tulips, or else.