Go to the Cul-de-Sac and ask the scrawny scalawag called Double-D for a jawbreaker. If ye bring it here, I'll tell ye about the Wishing Skulls.
'Tis most satisfying to have me a jawbreaker between me gums. Remember, the Wishing Skull is over yonder in the junk yard. Step lively!
The Wishing Skull will grant ye one wish! there are nine all told, and you must speak with them in the correct order. But a fine prize awaits those who find all nine! Arrr!
Arrr, would ye like to know about the Wishing Skulls? I know of one near here, and I'll tell ye about it for the price of one jawbreaker.
You want a jawbreaker? Sure, I suppose I can part with this one. It's my least-favorite color.