| - The People who began to develop society on what they called Lake Chumani (Lake Ontario) were under pressures from larger tribes around them, despite their similar cultures and languages. The Iroquois people were spread out over what is in OTL central and Northern New York however each was ratehr separated from each other due to the difficulty of movement at that time. Because of this the Iroquois became very distinct from city to city. One of these cities which felt constantly under attack, due to its strategic location as a crossroads of traderoutes coming and going over Lake Chumani, was called Hurit (Rochester, NY). The traders of these areas were running the governance of these cities and were the backbones of the administration of the several city-chiefs who had recently concluded a peace among each other. One man from Hurit, which was by far the largest of these loosely associating cities went by the name of Chief Abukcheech, which was often met with satire because Abukcheech means mouse in the dominant language of the region. Abukcheech was, however, by no means a mouse. He was neither shy nor secretive. He became famous after making many pledges to take other cities and to expand his own. Under his administration he introduced standards of coinage in a square shape with his picture engraved on them. There was also a small hole placed on the top so they could be strung together. The money and notoriety of Abukcheech made him the Chief of Hurit and he began immediately at the expansion that he promised. Another innovation made at the time of his Chiefdom was the smelting of metal, which he learned from a travel to another tribe, which made swords, knives and axes that made his wars very successful. By the end of his life the cities on the bottom of Lake Chumani were under the control of what he was calling the Huritian League.