| - Ellis IV was the first world settled in the system and it remains the most populated planet. It is also the only planet in the Ellis System with an economy that revolves around anything but racing. Kampos is a high-gravity ocean world stocked with all manner of sealife. The planet itself is named after a particularly large sea creature (though not one of the many whose harvested meat is available for export). Kampos’ high gravity also gave rise to the evolution of flatcats, which formed the basis of a brief fad in the UEE core worlds. The world is frequently called Seahorse by the locals, so-named for the appearance of some of the high-gravity sea monsters harvested by native fishermen.
- The Seahorse, also referred to as a Gold-Colored Fish, is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It is a rare creature that was caught by the Fisherman, intending to sell it at the Carnival of Time. Its assistance is needed in order to retrieve the Zora Eggs at Pinnacle Rock.
- The Seahorse is a type of fish residing underwater. The magic seahorse was larger than an average seahorse.
- The Seahorse is a sea animal available in FarmVille. It can be purchased from the Market for , rewarding the farmer with File:XP-icon.png experience. When harvested, the Seahorse yields and every 3 days. The Seahorse can be placed in an Aquarium or Swimming Hole where it can be harvested daily for a chance to produce uncommon Mystery Sea Animal babies. These babies can be shared with a farmer's neighbors with a chance to grow up into a Seahorse.
- A Seahorse is an essence fished up in The Royal Academy's only fishing spot.
- The Seahorse is an unmanned tripod guard MT, roughly half the size of an AC. Its only weapon is a missile launcher mounted on the back. The unit is pretty agile, but does have weak attack capabilities.
- Right-clicking a seahorse when close allows Naija to approach and climb on. Seahorses can only be ridden in Naija's normal form because they are controlled via song. A mounted seahorse swims significantly faster, and is especially useful for quickly crossing an area. However, they cannot be moved from map to map. The Corrupted Seahorse can be located in Mithalas City but - unlike other corrupted sea creatures - this is just a cosmetic change. The Corrupted Seahorse causes no damage to Naija and can be interacted with like any other Seahorse.
- A seahorse is required to make the Secret Remedy.
- Seahorses are a new kind of aquatic beast appearing in Cataclysm. They inhabit Vashj'ir. There is also a new mount of this species. They are named for their equine appearance.
- GNOME-Seahorse wa GNOME dè applaikeiçion für storiŋ kyi für kompyutā akkaunts.
- When the TroubAlert alerted the Super Friends to the danger of a waterspout in the South Atlantic, Aquaman said: "Great galloping seahorses!"
- The Seahorse is a type of fish that can be caught by fishing in the pond. It can be displayed using an aquarium from the Garden Shop. It sells for 4 coins, recycles for 30 Recycle Points, and cannot be gifted. The Seahorse is a special bait fish and can only be caught using carrot.
- Seahorse is one of the 31 animal orbs available for players to find in the game Castle Crashers.
- The Seahorse is an underwater animal that was first found in the Underwater room during the Cave Expedition. Not much is known about it except that it is small and orange. However, when compared to a penguin's size, it is big. Since the reopening of the Underwater, it still exists. The only other seahorse found in Club Penguin is in an aquarium, in one of Club Penguin's wallpapers.
- Name(s): Seahorse First Mafia Game: (Era 1) On MafiaManiac: Yes Favorite Games: ???
* Has been playing Mafia since ???
* Prefers playing as ???
* Favourite part of Mafia: ???
* Known flaws: ??
* Member of ??
- Seahorses are, despite what many reading this article would expect, nothing to do with horses. In fact, to suggest this would be fallacious to the extreme, and should anyone ever imply so to you, they are no doubt pulling your leg. The correct course of action is, naturally, to direct them to this page to set them straight, as this is not a forum for the ridiculous.
- Seahorse is an essence that appears in MySims Galaxy.
- The Seahorse is an enemy from Final Fantasy III, fought only in the outer sea of the Floating Continent. As a Water-bound enemy, it is weak to Lightning-elemental attacks, though is not a particularly difficult enemy to defeat by physical attacks.
- An enemy found in the Penguin Beach area of Origin Island.