| - Wikipedia Article About Baobab on Wikipedia This is a very versatile tree and the young leaves (image, left) which can either be palmate or simple are often picked and eaten as a form of spinach. The leaves are also dried and powdered, either as a fine powder (right, top) or as a coarser 'tisane' powder, (right, bottom). The leaves of the baobab tree are common as a leaf vegetable throughout the area of mainland African distribution, including Malawi, Zimbabwe, and the Sahel. They are eaten both fresh and in the form of a dry powder. In Nigeria, the leaves are locally known as kuka, and are used to make kuka soup. The dry pulp of the fruit, after separation from the seeds and fibers, is eaten directly or mixed into porridge or milk. The seeds are mostly used as a thickener for soups, but may also be fermented into a seasoning, roasted for direct consumption, or pounded to extract vegetable oil. The tree also provides a source of fibre, dye, and fuel. Spinach can be substituted for the young leaves.