| - Dragons in the series have long serpentine bodies, with proportionately long necks and tails. Their bodies have four limbs: two short back legs and two large wings as forelimbs, a body-plan similar to extinct pterosaurs, further hinting that their ancestors may related with pterosaurs somehow. In later generations, due to Merlineans' efforts to hide the dragons from Uther Pendragon's reach and later went to hiding over the course of Albion Great War, physical descriptions of dragons became so confused in memory that artwork sometimes depicted them as having six limbs - two wings growing out of their backs in addition to four legs - but this is inaccurate. Other confusing descriptions about their physical features also about their size: Some artworks and myth mentioned them being enormous that they were as tall as castle walls, but in reality largest adult dragons like Corinth himself only grew 32 feet long from snout to tail-tip and 8 feet tall, almost as big as school bus. Even so, this likely had something to do with their extinct six-limbed interdimensional race counterpart called Scalgons whom appearance looked like dragons from eastern myth but had a pair of retractable wings on their back, which supported by the fact where Dragon Ring was modeled after Scalgons.