| - William Denton Cox was a third class steward of the Titanic. When William signed-on to the Titanic, on 4 April 1912, he gave his address as 110 Shirley Road, Southampton. He was transferred from the Olympic. As a third class steward, he received monthly wages of £3 15s. During the sinking of the Titanic, Cox led groups of steerage passengers up to the boat deck aided by fellow third class stewards John Edward Hart and Albert Victor Pearcey. Unlike Hart, Cox also included men in his group.
| - William Denton Cox was a third class steward of the Titanic. When William signed-on to the Titanic, on 4 April 1912, he gave his address as 110 Shirley Road, Southampton. He was transferred from the Olympic. As a third class steward, he received monthly wages of £3 15s. During the sinking of the Titanic, Cox led groups of steerage passengers up to the boat deck aided by fellow third class stewards John Edward Hart and Albert Victor Pearcey. Unlike Hart, Cox also included men in his group. Cox died in the sinking. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (#300), and was buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia on 7 May 1912. NO. 300. - MALE. - ESTIMATED AGE, 30. - HAIR & MOUSTACHE, FAIR. CLOTHING - Blue pants; Steward's white jacket. EFFECTS - £1 3s. 6d. PORTER NO. 9. NAME - WILL DENTON COX. 110 Shirley Rd., Southampton.