| - "Bianca Dartington" is a young woman Adrian Mole meets whilst living in Oxford, early 1991.Slim, pale and average-looking, she has long legs and night-black hair. She is fully qualified to be a hydraulic engineer, but has no luck finding graduate employment and is forced to work in a newsagency. Bianca is immediately smitten with Adrian and gives him several opportunities to initiate a relationship, dropping strong hints and finding excuses to be near him. For a few months he fails to recognise her intent, he often misenterprets her advances and doesn't realise she fancies him. She later to moves to London and gets a job as a waitress at Savage's. Adrian has meanwhile lost his job and returned to Leicester, where he finds living with his family again to be annoying. They correspond briefly, and she offers him accomodation. In November 1991 Adrian arrives at her flat in Soho; they finally get together, and have a wonderfully passionate love affair over the next 2 months. Adrian adores Bianca, writes her poetry, waits on her hand and foot. He is finally able to forget his obsession with Pandora. They spend Christmas with her family and begin to make long-term plans. By February, though, she realises that they have too little in common: Adrian does not share her interests in engineering and architecture, he reads and writes excessively and seldom wants to go out. When they visit his family, she finds a kindred spirit in Pauline's young husband Martin Muffet. Realising Martin is her true soulmate, Bianca soon finishes with Adrian and leaves him devastated, although she also leaves the flat to him. She quits her job and disappears from Adrian's life.