- The Philosopher's Stone is an accessory which is dropped by Mimics. The Philosopher's Stone reduces the cooldown of healing Potions from 1 minute to 45 seconds, which is useful when fighting bosses or difficult monsters. As of 1.2, it can be combined with a Band of Regeneration to create the Charm of Myths. The effect does not stack with the Charm of Myths. Wearing both will not reduce the potion cooldown to 30 seconds, but will remain at 45 seconds.
- The Philosopher's Stone was one of the first artefacts Lara found. In Tomb Raider: Chronicles, she travels to Rome to search for it. The stone lay within the Philosopher's Gate that could only be unlocked by retrieving the God Stones, and defeating the Stone Serpents that guarded it. Lara tried to remove the stone from its resting place in a wall of gold. The platform she was standing on gave way, and she was cast into a long tunnel that led to the catacombs of the Colosseum. Lara then found another way back into the temple through the Colosseum. She found and retrieved the stone with success.
- Philosopher's Stone is an artifact gem that resembles Peridot. It can be found in the Dungeon beginning on Level 8. It can be found while fishing beginning on Level 6. It has a value of 25000, a rarity of 999, and a fishing rarity of 979.
- The Philosopher's Stone is an item that allows your horse to become immortal, meaning it can live forever. It offers an advantage: if your horse is an immortal mare, she can reproduce as many times as she is covered during her entire life. The stone is not passed down during breeding. It is solely for the horse it is applied to. This item can now be earned from the tutorials that help you start your game, once you have registered.
- The Brahmastra, commonly known as the Philosopher's Stone is an ancient artifact used by Savitar and later his avatar Alchemy. It is the first ever artifact responsible for the creation of meta-humans in ancient times. It can also shoot powerful blasts of energy, fast enough to hinder a speedster. Alchemy used it to return powers people once had in Flashpoint timeline as servants of Savitar. Alchemy kept it enshrined in a pillar on the altar in his lair.
- Philosopher's Stone is needed by Alchemists to perform Transmutations. It may be replaced by any Alchemist's Stone (see below) for that purpose.
- The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance that can supposedly increase the power of alchemical formulas. According to legend it has the power to turn metal into gold, the power to turn war into victory, and even the power to turn death into life. The stone was created by Paracelsus, brother of Bennett Sutton and caretaker of Warehouse 9.
- The Philosopher's Stone was a legendary object of medieval alchemy, purportedly capable of turning base metals into gold. Some believed the Stone to possess rejuvenating powers, perhaps even granting immortality to its bearer. Indiana Jones encountered several artifacts believed to be the Stone.
- A stone created by the sacrifice of countless lives, allowing the user to perform magic without practice or concern.
- The Philosopher's Stone was a magical object. According to Morgaine Le Fay, the stone had incredible magical powers, most noticeably the power to manipulate time and reality itself, and able to materialize temporary illusions permanently.
- The Philosopher's Stone is a magic stone that was created by Gammel Dore, Lujei Piche, and the Archmage. The Stone is supposed to have immense magical power that can grant its owner any wish. This power stirred both Lujei's and Calvaros's greed and they plotted to take it for themselves. However both perished while attempting to carry out their scheme. The Philosopher's Stone is the cause of Lillet Blan constantly going back in time. The stone is also hidden under the floor in Lillet's room. During the fifth and the last time loop when Lillet finally reaches the stone, she destroyed it and ended the time loop.
- The Philosopher's Stone is used to transmute base metals into gold.
- Level Required: Level 50+ Bonuses: +197 Max File:Health.gif +5% File:Myth.gif File:Damage.gif +15% Power Pip Chance No Trade No Auction Orrik Nightglider Lowest Sell: Highest Sell: Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab.
- The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance made with alchemy. It supposedly turns lead to gold and is used to create the Elixir of Life, which gives the drinker eternal life. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort attempts to acquire the Stone through Professor Quirrell.
- The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary stone that can produce the Elixir of Life, a potion which can turn base metals into gold and prolong life indefinitely. The Philosopher's Stone was made by Nicolas Flamel.
- The Philosopher's Stone is a stone sought by alchemists for its ability to turn lead and other basic metals into Gold. Gideon Cahill was seeking it when he created the Master Serum. In The Sword Thief, Amy and Dan think that it is what the Clues add up to before they find it's true power, but alas, they're wrong. The Philosopher's Stone is similar to the Master Serum. The symbol of the Philosopher's Stone can be seen at The Jefferson Puzzle above the door of the burning house.
- The philosopher's stone (Latin: lapis philosophorum; Greek: chrysopoeia) is a legendary alchemical tool, or element, supposedly capable of turning base metals into gold; it was also sometimes believed to be an Elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality. For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of alchemists like Sir Isaac Newton, Nicolas Flamel and Frater Albertus, familiarity with the philosopher's stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work (the successful completion of the transmutation of base matter into gold and more importantly the metaphoric spiritual transformation that would accompany the accomplishment).
- The Philosopher's Stone is an alchemical element present in the Valkyrie Profile series. Valeth Lezard, a young mage discovered and used this stone to achieve his purposes. It is present in Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. The discovery of this substance is the ultimate quest of all alchemists. Although just one aspect of the stone, all the world's knowledge would be present. The cover was damaged during the transfer of magic, the analysis is very difficult. According to Lezard the philosopher's stone would be a dictionary, which would include 10 billion knowledge.
- Transmutation looks quite inefficient, as gold ingots produced by an individual action have a value of around §150. This seeming inefficiency is compounded by the risk involved in the transmutation (although one could exploit it by giving the Sim a Death Flower, reviving the Sim using the Philosopher's Stone as a playable ghost, or giving the Sim doing the transmuting either the Unlucky or Loser trait), though the technique relies on having the ghosts (or the protected Sim) transmute gold in your Sims's lot to get an infinite income of gold statues worth §50,000 (which runs on the assumption that the player has enough conversion materials to cause the accident), sometimes as much as §62,500. This does have some value: things with no value such as old newspapers, potions, seeds, etc. can be
- The Philosopher's Stone is an extremely rare gemstone from throughout the Star Ocean series. It is often used to create each character's Ultimate Weapon (as far as I.C. is concerned) (For example Faize's Onyx saber). It is possible to create it using alchemy on both Star Ocean: Fantastic Space Odyssey/First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Story/Evolution. It can be made in Alchemy in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, and it is required to recruit Ansala. In Star Ocean: The Last Hope, it is obtainable in the second post-game dungeon, the Wandering Dungeon.
- The Philosopher's Stone (Japanese: 賢者けんじゃの石いし Romaji: kenja no ishi, translated as The Stone of Sages in Slayers: Super Explosive Demon Story) is a stone with extremely potent magical properties in the Slayers world. According to legend, the all of the worlds in the Slayers universe are supported by a gigantic staff sticking out of the Sea of Chaos. The stone is reputedly a small broken off piece of that staff. The stone is also later claimed to be a small fragment of the Demon's Blood Talismans. [1]. Because the Talismans are themselves of unknown origin, the explanations are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
- It is never explained in the series the exact process of creating a Philosopher's Stone, but it is known that human souls of ones who have passed can be trapped and condensed with certain transmutation circles. These thousands or perhaps millions of souls make up both the power and physical existence of a Philosopher's Stone. It is a frequent misconception that the properties of the stone itself allow someone to override the law of equivalent exchange, but this perception is simply an illusion. The power of the Philosopher's Stone allows one to perform feats greater than what one can do naturally, but the stone gets weaker every time it's used because that power comes from souls, which get consumed in these transmutations. When all the souls have been destroyed, the stone also ceases to ex
- According to legend, the Philosophers stone is a red rock (though not always red or a rock), created by either magic or alchemy which allows you to do any number of things, including transmuting any metal into gold, and allowing you to live forever through an elixir of life. And in settings where Alchemy Is Magic, it usually turns Alchemy up to 11, giving the person using it almost godlike powers. Unfortunately, like most MacGuffins it comes with some sort of catch, either involving sacrificing humans, or something equally repugnant. Examples of the Philosopher's Stone in media:
- The Philosopher's Stone is one of the Four Wonders of Alchemy and possesses the ability to reconstuct the molecular properties of inanimate matter into the properties of another element. Through the centuries it had various owners, as the alchemist Galio (and subsequently stolen by Zobar Zodiak), after stolen from a museum by The Loreli; Finally, it became the chosen weapon of Albert Desmond, aka Mister Element and Doctor Alchemy. Main article: Molecular Reconstruction
- The Phantom Gremlin, who goes by his human name, Sora, knows of the Philosopher's Stone and its connection to the Sabbath, he revealed this to Wiseman when he was chained up after releasing the chained rogue Phantom Legion to learn more as he was curious as to the Phantom's objective of starting the Sabbath again. This revelation led Wiseman to not only spare Gremlin his planned execution, but to make him his right-hand man. Tears