Gorilla My Dreams is a 1947 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes theatrical animated short, released in 1948, starring Bugs Bunny. The story is a parody of the many 'jungle' movies that were prominent in the 1930s and '40s, including the Tarzan movies. The title is a play on the expression "Girl o' My Dreams". The short featured Gruesome Gorilla, who reappeared as a boss in Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters. The cartoon was remade in 1959 as Apes of Wrath.
Gorilla My Dreams is a 1947 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes theatrical animated short, released in 1948, starring Bugs Bunny. The story is a parody of the many 'jungle' movies that were prominent in the 1930s and '40s, including the Tarzan movies. The title is a play on the expression "Girl o' My Dreams". The short featured Gruesome Gorilla, who reappeared as a boss in Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters. The cartoon was remade in 1959 as Apes of Wrath.