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  • Goblins
  • Goblins
  • Goblins
  • Goblins
  • Goblins
  • Faerie-130
  • Goblins are what make up teh majority of the Adversary's army.
  • Goblins are greedy and crude creatures that live in the mountains. They are slightly shorter than humans and a bit weaker in the muscles, but they are more nimble and there are vastly more goblins in existence than there are humans on Earth.
  • Goblins are some of the first creatures you will meet in syrindof they are weak but fast and will swarm in numbers. They mostly live in caves or the forests but will live almost anywhere. One side quest you will get will be to recover a crown stolen by the goblin king when a young prince wandered into his cave and he was swarmed by 10 goblins and they all killed him. Check that quest out here
  • Goblins are one of the Eight Fairy Families. They can conjure magic, and have the special ability to make fireballs and throw them without burning themselves. They are not very bright, argumentative, and ambitious. They love fire and power. They hate dwarves.
  • Goblins sind humanoide, koboldhafte Wesen, welche sich nahezu in ganz Ardea verbreitet haben. Sie werden etwa 1,6 Schritt groß, haben eine grünliche Hautfärbung und eine gekrümmte Haltung. Goblins sind recht primitiv organisiert und leben häufig in kleineren Clans zusammen. Gerne plündern und überfallen sie Wanderer, Lager und Bauernhöfe. Sie vermehren sich extrem schnell und sind äußerst anpassungsfähig. Geneologisch gesehen stammen sie wohl von den Orks ab.
  • A nation from Middle Earth mod.
  • Goblins is a novel by Charles L. Grant.
  • Goblins is an Achievement.
  • The Goblins are greedy, green dragons who are Septa Unella's servants. They are the main antagonists alongside their leader. They live in Goblin Grotto, a big village a while from Septa’s place, although some don’t stay there to act as servants.
  • The Goblins appear in the 1986 film Labyrinth. They were designed by Brian Froud and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. There are a number of different types of goblins featured in the movie, including a cyclops goblin. The goblins are described in a book called The Goblins of Labyrinth, written by Froud and Terry Jones.
  • Goblins are, just like the trolls, considered to be of lower intellect than most other species. They are very loosely organized, and only a few of them tend to actually have a duty in their hierarcy. See also Goblin NPCs.
  • One of the best features of spellforce the order of dawn is goblin killing. When destroying goblin bases at the start of the game you can get good exp. There is a player famous for it nick named spud
  • Goblins are short, squatty creatures living in large colonies underground. Although they seem cowardly at first encounter, they tend to observe an adventurer and assess their weaknesses. They are found mainly in Spielburg Valley and have established a lookout south of Baba Yaga's hut. They are blue (green in the remake), wear leather armor with spikes, a helmet of some sort, a shield and a weapon. They usually drop a few silver coins (should be 2-7 silver coins) when killed. They are one of the weakest and most easily defeated enemies.
  • The goblins are greedy, green creatures who are Jack Frost's servants. They are the main antagonists alongside their leader. They live at Goblin Grotto, a big village a while from Jack Frost's castle, although, some goblins stay at the Ice Castle to act as servants.
  • Goblins is the upcoming CD by rapper Killa Keem. It was confirmed during the Summer.
  • Goblins are a race of creatures that first appeared in "The Enchanted Shoes". They appeared to be aligned with the Glooms as they all have accepted their invitations to Hildy's party -- that is until they realize their true intentions. The goblins also have an unique language -- the word "gob" is the only one they speak.
  • Goblins are a species in Nelson's Dungeon. They play a reletively major role in the story. Nelson and his friends are charged by The High Council of Elders to kill Urgo, the Goblin King,
  • The one on Midsummer's Eve had yellow slits for eyes, a puckered nose, and a face like a dried cantaloupe. The head was bald and scabrous and was fringed with web like hair. The sinuous arms were gangly, the hands were long and leathery, and tipped with hooked claws. Ribs, collarbones, and pelvis jutted hideously. Spidery networks of veins bulged against maroon flesh. In book five it is mentioned by a river troll that goblins have very low intelligence.
  • Goblins sind kleine, in Stämmen lebende Goblinoide. Ihre Größe reicht von 90 bis 105cm. Ihre Hautfarbe ist meistens gelb bis rot. In einem Stamm haben die Goblins meistens die gleiche Hautfarbe.
  • <default>Goblins </default> Heimat Sprache Bekannte Individuen Goblins, auch Bilwisse oder Höhlenorks genannt, sind eine kleinere, verkrüppelte Unterart der Orks, die sich zu großen Teilen im Nebelgebirge angesiedelt hat. Sie werden auch als Moria-Orks bezeichnet, da sich viele von ihnen in den Minen von Moria angesiedelt haben.
  • Goblins are a small race in the world of Ilanor. They are usually located in dark forests or in deep underground caves. They are not a major site to the major races of the world but they are a vicious and crazed race. They can pose a threat and cause major bloodshed. The largest known Goblin tribe is the tribe of Nyem'Nyem, in the Forests of Sinwood, on the large island of Sylarr.
  • General Tataran commands an army of goblins, which he once led in an attack on the Royal Palace.
  • The Goblins are a race of nocturnal Mammals, found in the Dansvel Mountains in North-Eastern Coubern.
  • Goblins are light blue-skinned evil snittchy goblins from the tooth from the pillow appeared in Journey to the Centre of the Bed.
  • Los goblins son, justo como los trolls, pensado ser de intelecto inferior que la mayor parte de otra especie. Ellos son muy organizados, y sólo algunos de ellos tienden en realidad tener un deber.
  • Goblins sind kleine grüne Kreaturen mit markant spitzen Nasen. Sie gehen gebückt und krumm. Die meisten Goblins sind extrem dumm und eher Tiere als Humanoide, doch in der Einöde und Tukarbot gibt es Goblins, die Städte gründen, sogennante Kulturen (auf der Karte grün). Diese Goblins können sprechen. Sie schleichen gut und kämpfen häufig mit Dolchen. Kategorie:Spezies Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Mammaloide Spezies
  • Goblins are small humanoid figures with big beady eyes, long, pointed ears and noses, reminiscent of the Trolls.
  • The Goblin faction was added in The Battle for Middle-earth II, and along with some forces of Mordor, they are the antagonists of the Good Campaign.
  • Goblins are low level creatures not much caution should be used on them because of their low chance of inflicting damage higher than 2,But for players first starting out, it would be wise to bring some food if you wish to train on these as you can't wear or cant afford some better armor or weapons.
  • Den här sidan saknar innehåll. Om du har något vettigt att skriva, eller är bra på att översätta, gör det. Goblins: Hp. unknown allt: unknown Kategori:goblins
  • Goblins are intelligent creatures. They run the wizarding bank, Gringotts. Wizards have a long history with Goblins.
  • Goblins are for the most part exactly like Yeeks, with many different classes that range from low-level to high-level.
  • The following are the base racial traits of Goblins.
  • Goblins are small humanoid sprites that usually appear grotesque or deformed to humans. They stand about three feet in height, with patches of long, wirey hair and green-hued skin.
  • Goblins represented a large category of species in the Edge. Image:Clanchiefs.jpg The goblins set up a number of permanent habitats, and these included the Goblin Nations, the Hive Towers in Undertown, various areas in the Free Glades, and Hive. Within these settlements, different species of goblin tended to live apart, as each had their own habitational preferences. The variety of goblins was incredible; for instance, hammerheads and flat-heads were bred for war, whilst low-bellied and web-footed goblins tended the land, both terrestrial and aquatic. There were many varieties of goblins:
  • Goblins were a massive problem for a while after the Elder Age, until the forces of the Abyss outstripped them. Originally forest dwellers, they were ousted by the elves to the savannah plains between Orn and Barmondel during the early Days of Grief. They also settle in the foothills of adjacent mountain ranges. The meager life in the savannah, without access to rich natural resources, has sharpened their senses and forced them to become crafty and inventive. They gave proof of that during the Goblin Wars. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Goblins sind kleine, grüne (bzw. gelb-grüne) Wesen mit hochtrabenden Fähigkeiten und hoher Intelligenz (aber meist wenig Vernunft). Eine Anzahl von sogenannten „Handelsprinzen“ herrscht über die verschiedenen Goblinfestungen rund um die Welt. Obgleich diese Handelsprinzen alle in Lorenhall leben oder in seiner eigene Stadt auf einer Insel wie z.B Kezan lebt, kontrolliert jeder seine eigenen Privatarmeen und Handelsflotten. Folglich leitet jeder auch seine eigenen Geschäftszweige, Bergwerke, Waldrodungsarbeiten, Sklavenmärkte und Jagdtrupps.
  • Goblins sind ein auf rot ausgerichteter Stamm, da Goblins meist in unterirdischen Höhlen in den Bergen leben. Sie sind für ihre kleine Größe und ihren geringen Intellekt bekannt. Schon seit Alpha existieren Goblins in Magic und scheinen genauso reichlich wie die Elfen im Multiversum vertreten zu sein. Die einzigen Welten ohne Goblins sind Ulgrotha, Innistrad und Theros. Goblins sind eine charakteristische Rasse für Rot. Kategorie:Kreaturtypen
  • Kay Eriya / Rassen und Völker auf Kay Eriya Goblins sind eines der weitverbreitetsten Völker auf Kay Eriya überhaupt. Kaum ein Ort, an dem sie nicht irgendwo Verwandte hätten. Doch da sie, ähnlich wie ihre Geschwister, die Zwerge, hauptsächlich unter der Erde und an dunklen Orten leben, sieht man sie nicht so oft, wie man meinen sollte. File:Kay Eriya Bild 02.jpg File:ArM5LogoColor.jpg Kay Eriya-Beiträge von BelniFore, HaraScon, KainNiemand und MaWelt. Deine Meinung: Talk:Kay Eriya.
  • Die genialen Alchimisten der Goblins sind wahre Meister im Umgang mit Chemikalien, explosiven Stoffen und eigentümlichen mechanischen Apparaten. Sie stammen aus dem Südmeer von der Insel Kezan. Als Konstukteure der Zeppeline haben sie es geschafft, den Naturgesetzten zu trotzen. Die schwerfälligen Luftschiffe sind zwar nur mühsam zu manövrieren, können aber problemlos weite Strecken zurücklegen. Diese sinnreiche Erfindung ermöglicht es den Goblins, über die Lande zu gleiten und zahlende Passagiere an alle Enden der Welt zu bringen.
  • thumbDie Goblins sind kleine,clevere Wesen mit einem großen Interesse an Technologie und dem großen Geschäft.Die Gesellschaft der Goblins orientiert sich deshalb größtenteils an diesen beiden Gebieten.Die höchstangesehensten Goblins sind deshalb die rücksichtslosesten intrigantischtesten Händer und Tüftler.Trotz dieses Fakts ist die Gesellschaft der Goblins recht simpel strukturiert.Die meisten anderen Rassen sehen die Goblins trotz ihrer vielen Fähigkeiten als ein Volk von Händlern und Tüftlern.
  • Goblins are hideous humanoid beings with beaks or pig-like faces and bat-like wings that like to terrorize other beings they come across with their magical powers. Others are simple brutes who will work as henchmen for powerful bosses. Goblins are terribly afraid of bats and contact with them causes goblins to freak out and babble uncontrollably. They are known as the "fiercest creatures in the air". In "Papa's Family Album", a legion of goblins used to serve the evil imp magician Hotap long ago and once aided him in capturing the Smurfs. Hotap's head goblin was known as Kloog.
  • Goblins are the weeds of the monster kingdom. Tenacious and irrepressible, they resist all but the most determined of extermination attempts. Goblin tribes tend to inhabit unfancied, inaccessible wasteland regions such as swamps and rocky badlands, where they breed frenetically until all local resources are depleted. At this point, the tribe will start invading neighbouring communities, eagerly waging war until the goblin tribe either expands its territory or (more likely) is decimated and driven back to its waste breeding grounds.
  • Goblins are creatures that are featured in Alone in the Dark: Illumination. They are strong but are dim-witted. There exists a sub-variant of goblin that was faster than the normal goblin and had runes covering the creature's body. it was also darker in colour. This creature appears when an obelisk appears. Upon death, the goblin drops a Soulstone that, when placed on a pedestal nearby, can render the Obelisk vulnerable to attack.
  • The major race of the Goblins webcomic, takes a look through the life of the eyes of the low challenge rating Goblins, Maglubiyet, the god of war and rulership, is the chief deity of goblins. In Dungeons & Dragons, goblins are small humanoid monsters. They vary in height from about 3 to 3 ½ feet (91 – 106 cm) and weigh 40 to 45 pounds (21 – 24 kg). They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed.They have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth. Their mouth contains small, but sharp fangs. Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red through nearly any shade of orange to yellow. Members of the same tribe tend to have the same skin color.
  • They are smaller than the Orcs and the Hobgoblins but larger than the Gnoblar race (a cousin to the goblins, rather than a tribe or subculture) and Snotlings (a tinier type of Goblinoid). While they lack the size and brute force of the Orcs, they are more clever and cunning than their larger cousins. There are different subcultures of Goblins, with varying degrees of autonomy from their Orcish cousins, including the Night Goblins and primitive Forest goblins. All Goblins are violent and malicious, and consider warfare to be a pastime or hobby. They are halfway decent shots, but in other respects they are poor and often unwilling fighters. However they are dangerous in numbers and quite capable of overwhelming better troops by sheer weight of numbers.
  • The Goblins were never a race to form allegiances with others, or for that matter, their own kind. They were always fighting among themselves, but deep in the mountain tunnels, were nobody saw, or cared, what they did. A large number of goblins once broke free to the surface, where they hurriedly started a war with the Tigrisians. The goblins badly lost, and retreated to the tunnels. They bitterly searched for revenge. At a time not long after this, a Dwarven Mining Expedition found this small pocket of Goblins. The Dwarves, after coming to know why these goblins were not at the very depths of the mountain, asked them for a trade: If they pledged their allegiance to the Knights, they would have their revenge. As one of these Goblins, it is your duty to honor this: Obey your allegiances, an
  • "Goblin" is both a race name and a species name. One goblin ascended to godhood: The (purple) Dark One, now serving as the God of the goblinoids. The original gods created goblins as XP for their clerics. Needless to say, this does not sit well with the species in question. After countless years, Goblins fight back in two ways: First, the Dark one's plan to use the Snarl (a god-killing abomination) as methods of negotiation to convince the other gods to demand that their followers give goblinoids equal treatment. Secondly, the founding of Gobbotopia, the goblin city-state
  • Zunächst gab es nur Gerüchte unter den Menschen von Ghorthog über an den Rändern der großen Waldgebiete. Dann wurden Jagdfallen und winzige mit Haaren und Federn besetzte Pfeile gefunden, die offenbar aus Blasrohren stammten. Der Samath der Wergols beschloss der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen und schickte Kundschafter der Menschen in die Wälder. Die ersten Kundschafter verschwanden spurlos ohne das je wieder etwas von ihnen gesehen wurde. Doch die Wergols gaben nicht auf und schickten weitere Menschen, denen diesmal Grußbotschaften um den Hals gehängt wurden. Auch diese Menschen verschwanden spurlos. Daraufhin überflog der Samorkhal Ghorthogs selbst das fragliche Gebiet und warf einige etwas deutlichere „Botschaften“ ab, als Menschen sie zu überbringen in der Lage sind.
  • The term Goblin usually referred to the smaller Gongs while the greater Gongs were known as Hobgoblins. Most lesser orcs or Snagas of the later Ages descended from the Gongs, while the great Gongs of the First Age were filled with Morgoth's will and were unable to survive without their master. The Greater Orcs of Barad dûr who fought for Sauron at the Battle of the Gladden Fields, however, were filled with Sauron's will, as the Gongs were filled with Morgoth's will, so one breed of Hobgoblin may have survived as servants of Sauron. The Greater Orcs who appeared before the breeding of the Uruk-Hai may have - at least partially - been descendants of these Hobgoblins.
  • Goblins are what Tolkien called the Orcs that Thorin and Company encountered in the book The Hobbit. They lived deep under the Misty Mountains in many strongholds, ever since the War of Wrath in the First Age. In The Hobbit, Tolkien described them as big, ugly creatures, "cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted." Tolkien explained in a note at the start of The Hobbit that he was using English to represent the languages used by the characters, and that goblin (or hobgoblin for the larger kind) was the English translation he was using for the word Orc, which (he wrote) is the hobbits' form of the name for them. Tolkien used the term goblin extensively in The Hobbit, and also occasionally in The Lord of the Rings, as when the Uruk-hai of Isengard are first described: "four goblin-soldiers of greater s
  • Created by pseudo-magical experiments in the time of the Ophidians, the green-skinned goblins are an aggressive and greedy lot, and a constant threat to the cities. Goblin males often wear Chain or Antique Armor and wield heavy weapons like swords. The female goblins wear little more than loincloths, and often use blowguns. Both males and females are proficient with spears, which they throw at foes before engaging in melee. Known to torture and mutilate their enemies, they are also said to actually eat them alive.
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