Spiderman 2099 is a spin-off superhero film of the Amazing Spiderman film series. It takes place in the futuristic, but also corrupt, New York City as Miguel O'Hara takes up the identity of spiderman. The following film, Spidermen, serves as a sequel to Amazing Spiderman 4: The Clone Saga, Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spiderman, Spiderman Noir, Scarlet Spiders and Amazing Spider Woman.
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| - Spiderman 2099
- Spiderman 2099
| - Spiderman 2099 is a spin-off superhero film of the Amazing Spiderman film series. It takes place in the futuristic, but also corrupt, New York City as Miguel O'Hara takes up the identity of spiderman. The following film, Spidermen, serves as a sequel to Amazing Spiderman 4: The Clone Saga, Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spiderman, Spiderman Noir, Scarlet Spiders and Amazing Spider Woman.
- As adults, Miguel and Xina date seriously until Miguel cheats on her with Dana D'Angelo, who originally is the girlfriend of Miguel's brother Gabe. Later on, Miguel and Dana are engaged. Though seemingly arrogant and confident in all walks of life, Miguel is a very private man and trusts almost no one save for his apartment's holographic aid Lyla, an artificial intelligence programmed by Xina.
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| - Spiderman 2099 is a spin-off superhero film of the Amazing Spiderman film series. It takes place in the futuristic, but also corrupt, New York City as Miguel O'Hara takes up the identity of spiderman. The following film, Spidermen, serves as a sequel to Amazing Spiderman 4: The Clone Saga, Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spiderman, Spiderman Noir, Scarlet Spiders and Amazing Spider Woman.
- As adults, Miguel and Xina date seriously until Miguel cheats on her with Dana D'Angelo, who originally is the girlfriend of Miguel's brother Gabe. Later on, Miguel and Dana are engaged. Though seemingly arrogant and confident in all walks of life, Miguel is a very private man and trusts almost no one save for his apartment's holographic aid Lyla, an artificial intelligence programmed by Xina.