| - The setting of the novel occurs in and around Metroville, a vast metropolis depicted with futuristic architecture akin to those depicted in most Silver Age comics. Among its citizens inhabit a vast amount of costumed superheroes, known as "overheroes" throughout the novel, and they are known to bring about justice through vigilantism, fighting similarly costumed villains that are almost the same in number as the superheroes. Most of these overheroes and supervillains even form alliances, some with long-winded names, a nod to comic alliances such as the Justice League and the Avengers.
| - The setting of the novel occurs in and around Metroville, a vast metropolis depicted with futuristic architecture akin to those depicted in most Silver Age comics. Among its citizens inhabit a vast amount of costumed superheroes, known as "overheroes" throughout the novel, and they are known to bring about justice through vigilantism, fighting similarly costumed villains that are almost the same in number as the superheroes. Most of these overheroes and supervillains even form alliances, some with long-winded names, a nod to comic alliances such as the Justice League and the Avengers. There are various venues available to its citizens, such as the Anderson Circle Garden, a large picturesque park with trees, benches, and well-fed squirrels and pigeons. The local educational institution, the University of Metroville, contains multiple buildings housing multiple departments. One of these buildings in particular, dubbed the Tezuka Physics Complex, houses the university's various Physics departments. A popular hub for Metroville's youth is the Metroville Mall, which contains all sorts of shops and food stalls.