| - Un-Go (アンゴ, Ango) is a 2011 Japanese anime television series produced by Bones which will air on Fuji TV's noitaminA program block in October 2011. Based on Ango Sakaguchi's novel Meiji Kaika Ango Torimono-chō (明治開化安吾捕物帳), the series is directed by Seiji Mizushima with script supervision by Shō Aikawa, character designs by pako and Yun Kōga, and music by Narasaki. The opening theme is "How to Go" by School Food Punishment while the ending theme is "Fantasy" by LAMA.
- An anime by Studio BONES, airing as part of the Fall 2011 lineup. Un-Go tells the story of two people, Shinjuro Yuki and Inga, working together to solve mysteries in the near future. The story is based on the works of Ango Sakaguchi (Aoi Bungaku Series' "In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom"), a post-World War II Japanese novel and essayist. It is directed by Seiji Mizushima, with character designs by pako (sic) and Yun Kouga, featuring a script by Shou Aikawa. Has a Prequel named Episode 00: Inga-ron Compare to Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
| - An anime by Studio BONES, airing as part of the Fall 2011 lineup. Un-Go tells the story of two people, Shinjuro Yuki and Inga, working together to solve mysteries in the near future. The story is based on the works of Ango Sakaguchi (Aoi Bungaku Series' "In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom"), a post-World War II Japanese novel and essayist. It is directed by Seiji Mizushima, with character designs by pako (sic) and Yun Kouga, featuring a script by Shou Aikawa. Rinroku Kaishou, head of the Kaishou media empire, uses information gleaned from his vast network of technology and contacts to solve crimes all across Japan, making himself a hero in the eyes of the Japanese people. On the surface, an old-fashioned detective named Shinjuro Yuki and his odd assistant Inga always show up at the wrong time and reach the wrong conclusion, earning Yuuki the nickname of "The Defeated Detective" and usually mocked by the public. However, the truth is a little more subtle: Yuuki and Inga are called in to solve cases that Rinroku finds too delicate to handle on his own. Upon learning about the truth of the case, Rinroku decides to spin them to comfort a nation still reeling from the shock of multiple terrorist attacks and a major war. Though Yuuki is mocked in public, in private he's "The Last Great Detective." Has a Prequel named Episode 00: Inga-ron Compare to Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Un-Go is streaming in various languages on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
- Un-Go (アンゴ, Ango) is a 2011 Japanese anime television series produced by Bones which will air on Fuji TV's noitaminA program block in October 2011. Based on Ango Sakaguchi's novel Meiji Kaika Ango Torimono-chō (明治開化安吾捕物帳), the series is directed by Seiji Mizushima with script supervision by Shō Aikawa, character designs by pako and Yun Kōga, and music by Narasaki. The opening theme is "How to Go" by School Food Punishment while the ending theme is "Fantasy" by LAMA.