| - Finding himself reprimanded, and ending the career of his CO, Captain Neilan, beause of an affair; he was transferred to the fleet, to serve on the HIMS Emperor Valak. For several more years, he maintained his status as a Lt. Commander, and CO of several different squadrons, until he was promoted to Chief of Starfighter Operations for the Dreven Battle Group; a position in which he shined at very well.
| - Finding himself reprimanded, and ending the career of his CO, Captain Neilan, beause of an affair; he was transferred to the fleet, to serve on the HIMS Emperor Valak. For several more years, he maintained his status as a Lt. Commander, and CO of several different squadrons, until he was promoted to Chief of Starfighter Operations for the Dreven Battle Group; a position in which he shined at very well. With this new position, he found himself a married man; his wedding presided over by then Moff Morlok Adlerson; the man's mentor from the earliest days of flying. Jolan continued his service on the Emperor Valak, finding many more years in him; having served with great members of the Imperial High Command such as Lord Jarl Rellik, and Admiral Benjamin W. Rastus. Near the end of Valak's reign, with the Empire he knew from the Academy falling apart, Jolan retired; one of the youngest Chiefs of Starfighter Command, and at the humble rank of Captain. It's believed he returned home to Tatooine to bury his wife, who died in childbirth; but his communications with the new Imperial Government and old friends have been sparse, at best.