Six races to see who does quests the fastest will be held, on a different server each day. Rules
* There will be no racers on their home servers. i.e. no NAGA(name) racers on the Naga server. Players will be able to participate in as many races as they desire as long as they obey this rule.
* Create a new character on an alternate server with the following naming convention: TOR(name) – Tortus BAHA(name) – Bahamut PAN(name) – Pantera UNI(name) – Unicorn NAGA(name) – Naga FEN(name) – Fenrir
Six races to see who does quests the fastest will be held, on a different server each day. Rules
* There will be no racers on their home servers. i.e. no NAGA(name) racers on the Naga server. Players will be able to participate in as many races as they desire as long as they obey this rule.
* Create a new character on an alternate server with the following naming convention: TOR(name) – Tortus BAHA(name) – Bahamut PAN(name) – Pantera UNI(name) – Unicorn NAGA(name) – Naga FEN(name) – Fenrir
* Do not advance your character in any way before the start of the race.
* You must remain in the starting ring of the intro area before the race begins.
* You cannot trade with any players, nor use the auction house or warehouse. If you are found to be evading this rule by picking up items that your friend drops, etc, you will be disqualified.
* Items purchased from the item shop are allowed.
* The logs of the winners of each race will be checked to insure that all rules were followed.
* Once you’ve completed 75 quests you must alert a GM. Please keep count! Repeatable quests are acceptable!
* Wrath removal services will be provided from 2:00 – 3:00 PM PST (This means you are allowed to PK the racers!)
* For immorality removal, send an email to with the subject “JONNY QUEST” and your account and character name in the body. Immorality removal services will only be available for up to one week after the event ends (June 21). Immorality will only be reset to 0, positive morality will not be restored.