| - Frankie Valley & The Other Four Seasons is a bizarre 1999 Academy Award Winning American Romantic Drama film written and directed by Steven Soderberg starring Chad Michael Murray, Felicity Jones, Nick Nolte, Kate Bosworth, Thomas Haden Church, Jesse Eisenberg (in his first starring role), Blythe Danner, Daniela Ruah, Bradley James, Donald Glover and Cheryl Cole (whom secured an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film.
| - Frankie Valley & The Other Four Seasons is a bizarre 1999 Academy Award Winning American Romantic Drama film written and directed by Steven Soderberg starring Chad Michael Murray, Felicity Jones, Nick Nolte, Kate Bosworth, Thomas Haden Church, Jesse Eisenberg (in his first starring role), Blythe Danner, Daniela Ruah, Bradley James, Donald Glover and Cheryl Cole (whom secured an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film. It concerns the tribulation love affairs between a lonely drifter man and four women named after the seasons so ironically as he is named after the lead singer of a famous 50's band to which he listens to frequently. The film deals with love, loss, the road, one particular 50's band and the damage inflicted upon a young youth whom appears to have absolutley no ambition but to travel and find love on the back of his Tennesse Harley.