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An Entity of Type : owl:Thing, within Data Space : associated with source dataset(s)

Methos is one of two large bouncers guarding either side of the doors to the Keepon Casino. He looks at you as if to size you up, then moves onto the next person. You just got checked, girl. (By Methos.) Piper slips into the area and begins moving towards the Cantina. You open the door to the Blue Nebula and walk in. You just got checked, girl. (By Karrde.) You just got checked, girl. (By Ariana.) Taggor watches the crowd as he sits on his stool at the bar, holding his drink. You just got checked, girl. (By Taggor.) Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. You sit down on a stool in front of the bar.

  • RPlog:A Business Proposition on Kichnar
  • Methos is one of two large bouncers guarding either side of the doors to the Keepon Casino. He looks at you as if to size you up, then moves onto the next person. You just got checked, girl. (By Methos.) Piper slips into the area and begins moving towards the Cantina. You open the door to the Blue Nebula and walk in. You just got checked, girl. (By Karrde.) You just got checked, girl. (By Ariana.) Taggor watches the crowd as he sits on his stool at the bar, holding his drink. You just got checked, girl. (By Taggor.) Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. You sit down on a stool in front of the bar.
  • circa 7 ABY
  • A Business Proposition on Kichnar
  • Piper visits the Blue Nebula Cantina on the Kichnar Orbital Station in an effort to get a holographic game placed there to earn herself and Tyler McBride a little money. Talon Karrde overhears her sales pitch and gets her attention, drawing her over to make a pitch of his own.
  • Methos is one of two large bouncers guarding either side of the doors to the Keepon Casino. He looks at you as if to size you up, then moves onto the next person. You just got checked, girl. (By Methos.) Piper slips into the area and begins moving towards the Cantina. You open the door to the Blue Nebula and walk in. You just got checked, girl. (By Karrde.) You just got checked, girl. (By Ariana.) Taggor watches the crowd as he sits on his stool at the bar, holding his drink. You just got checked, girl. (By Taggor.) Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. Piper enters the Cantina and moves over towards the bar, not making any overly visible motions of looking around. She seems rather focused on the bar itself, moreso the tender behind it, and as she approaches said bar, she makes her way over to a stool that puts her both close to the bartender and away from any crowds of beings gathered to partake of a drink or conversation. Taggor turns to glance at the new arrival, holding his glass to his lips as he slowly sips its contents. He looks the woman up and down and smiles at what he sees. You sit down on a stool in front of the bar. BAR The cantina's bar streches through most of the room. Synthesizers and bottles line shelves behind the bar, handy to the bartenders so that they can make practically any drink asked for. Occupied: Taggor Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. Karrde stands as Corin does, taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly, though briefly. He looks to Sid, shaking his hand as well and saying something quietly. Piper leans forward on the bar and smiles softly towards the bartender, trying to get his attention in a subtle manner. A slight nod on his part indicates he intends to come in her direction when he gets a chance, as a small cluster of alien beings down at the other end of the bar appear to be getting an order filled at the moment. Sitting back on her stool and satisfied with knowing the man will return momentarily, the young woman glances around the establishment with an unobtrusive eye as she can manage. Merely a casual gaze, one that doesn't linger and tends to hold a look of general disinterest. That disinterest spreads itself across her features as her eyes light on Taggor and she turns to face the bartender once again, reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear with slender fingers and hiding a rolling of her eyes as she does so. Corin stands up from the Prestige table. Sid stands up from the Prestige table. Sid stands from the table, slicks back his hair, and follows Corin. Corin takes a glance back to the table then a shorter one to the bar then waits for sid to acompany him. Corin walks out of the cantina. Corin has left. Ariana nods to the two gentlemen leaving the Prestige table, then turns to speak more privately to Karrde again. Piper glances back at Taggor and scowls slightly to herself before leaning forward again to the bartender, "Excuse me, sir, but where can I find the proprieter of this establishment? I'm interested in discussing a business proposition. It would take only a moment." Her tone sounds very natural throught her quiet inquiry, as if she might be well versed in this field. Karrde watches the two of them depart, and retakes his seat next to Ariana. Sid walks out of the cantina. Sid has left. Taggor takes a drink from his Lomiin_Ale. Ariana stands up from the Prestige table. At the bar, Taggor turns to face Piper and lowers his brow taking a long look at her. He hold his drink to his lips as he tries to catch another glance from her. Karrde stands up from the Prestige table. Ariana rises from the table, then indicates the corner booth, smiling. "That one looks nice." Ariana sits down at the corner booth. Karrde nods in agreement, and follows her to take the seat across from the woman. He glances at the bar briefly, murmuring to his table. Karrde sits down at the corner booth. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. The bartender places beverages before the aliens gathered at the end of the bar and returns to Piper's location with a slightly arched brow, wiping his hands on a towel hanging at his belt. "He's in the back," the bartender replies to her, "Want me to get 'im?" Piper nods once and flashes him a polite and friendly smile, "Please. I think he'll be rather thrilled to hear me through." The bartender nods once and moves off towards the back, disappearing for a moment, then reappearing to return to his bartenderly duties. He comments to Piper as he passes, "He'll be right out." Ariana motions for a waitress to come by and instructs her to bring two plates of braised bruallki, tubara cassarole, and some good Mutandan wine, then her attention reverts to Karrde. Karrde speaks quietly into a comlink, leaving the ordering up to Ariana. Taggor turns on his stool to face the bar and puts a hand on the handle of the case sitting there. Taggor finishes off his Lomiin_Ale. Taggor slides his empty glass down the bar and slides off his stool. Taggor stands up and walks away. Taggor walks towards the door, manuvering through the crowd. Karrde thumbs his comlink off and tucks it away, glancing over the food. Taggor walks out of the cantina. Taggor has left. Piper nods to the bartender and picks up a tiny stirring straw as she waits, twiddling it in her fingers unconsciously and in a bored manner. Any look she passes to Taggor is a skeptical and apprehensive one, and she works at keeping those looks few, far between, and subtle. She appears to become slightly more comfortable as he moves away, as if she simply didn't care to have him near her. Ariana is also idly glancing about the bar, the fingers of her right hand drumming a quiet tattoo on the tabletop. When her gaze falls on Piper, she pauses momentarily, then, with a slight smile she sits back into the shadows of the booth. The proprieter of the establishment enters and moves to walk beside the bar, getting a visual cue from the bartender as to which young woman had wanted to see him, then moving in her direction with a casual pace. Piper's eye catches the movements of the owner as he approaches and she places the straw back quietly atop the bar. The man, now arriving at the young woman's location, steps in near her stool and, in a quiet dialogue exchanged between the two, confirms she was indeed the individual with the business proposition. A quiet handshake as introductions are made, the young woman introducing herself as Elysia Jaxom, an independant businessowner with a proposition he might enjoy listening to. The man, Tormod Belafunte, as he introduced himself a moment prior, seems intrigued by the young woman and the two move off to a small table near the corner to discuss what she has to offer him. You stand up and walk away from the bar. Tormod Belafunte and Piper seat themselves at a table close enough to the corner to ensure privacy but near enough the center of the bar's activity to not be quite as much so. The man orders off some drinks and props his elbows on the table, bridging his fingers, "So, Ms. Jaxom, what has brought you to our lovely establishment this afternoon?" Flashing a smile, Piper states in a friendly and enthusiastic tone, "Business, Mr. Belafunte. What would you say if I told you I had a way to attract a larger quantity of patrons to your establishment, a way that could ensure many of them would stick around for a good, long while each visit, working up a healthy appetite and thirst?" She ends with a smile and a raised eyebrow, waiting to see the man's reaction. Karrde speaks quietly to Ariana as he eats, though he glances at the woman and manager briefly. The drinks arrive, but Mr. Belafunte seems more interested in the young woman's question. He nods once or twice, encouraging her to continue as he says, "I'd say that'd be a pretty damn good trick." Piper grins and responds in a professional tone that flows from her with ease, "Not a trick, Mr. Belafunte. A game." He quirks a brow skeptically and she raises two fingers where they rest about the glass of wine before her, "You'd be surprised, but in the space a table for two could take up.." her hand motions about her, "You could install a state of the art holoprojecting game system that would not only be unobtrusive to your regular patrons, but would bring them more in the way of entertainment and, at the same time, draw in a younger crowd. The game itself is just enough to stimulate the mind, stimulate the body.. at the same time they're enjoying themselves, they're working up quite an appetite and where do you think they'll go to satisfy this?" She winks and adds with another bright smile, "Here, of course." As he talks with Ariana, Karrde continues to keep track of the conversation at the other table. His glances are merely mild, and somewhat distracted. Ariana follows Karrde's glance around the room, lips thinning as she studies Piper and gives a brief bit of attention to the chat there at the bar. Piper swirls the liquid in her drink lightly before bringing the glass to her lips and drawing a slow sip from it, letting her proposal sink in. She looks rather sure of herself and radiates an aura of self confidence and belief in that which she suggests. The man seems a little unsure of how to react to the suggestion itself, though his initial reaction is to turn the corners of his mouth up just slightly as he continues his consideration. "So this.. game.." Leaning forward and resting his chin on his clasped hands with the weight of his upper body resting on his propped elbows, he asks, "How much would something like this set me back?" A loud clink can be heard from the corner booth as Ariana's fork falls onto her plate. Karrde isn't eating, his hand lightly gripping his glass as he watches Ariana carefully. Piper's gaze shifts in a very slight manner over towards the table but doesn't linger there long, her attention is focused on her sales pitch. Glancing to the man at the table with her, she states, "Would you believe me.. if I told you nothing?" Kain walks in from the main concourse. Kain has arrived. Kain sits down at the bar. Ariana reaches to the bottle of wine at the center of the table and refills her glass, then buries her features and expression in the bluish liquid of the Mutandan wine. Kain gives Crystal some Galactic Standard Credits. Crystal works with grace as she makes a blackmoon and serves it to Kain. Kain takes a drink from his blackmoon. Piper continues to smile at a suited man sitting across from her at a small table in the vicinity of the corner as the two discuss something over drinks. Kain spins around on his stool to watch all the goings on of the room. Karrde continues to eat in silence, looking thoughtful. He keeps an eye on Ariana, as if waiting for something, then nods at a murmur from her. Karrde looks at Kain. Kain takes a sip from his blackmoon. Piper tilts her head to the side slightly as she continues to discuss something with the man across from her, and now the man appears to have an unbelieving smile on his lips as he continues to speak with Piper. Kain finishes off his blackmoon. Kain walks away from the bar. Kain walks out of the cantina. Kain has left. Karrde, for apparently lack of other comfortable thing to do, looks over the bar again. He studies Piper's table, absently. "I'm interested, Mr. Belafunte, in an exchange of sorts." Piper continues, glass of wine in hand, "If you're interested in providing your patrons with this kind of ground-breaking entertainment, I'm interested in helping you out by providing that entertainment to them at little to no cost to you personally.' Taking another sip of her drink, she adds, "Take up my offer and you'll be the first to provide this technology. People will flock from the far reaches of the galaxy just to visit your establishment." Karrde gives Ariana a smile and reaches across the table to squeeze her hand, before continuing his meal and vague attention to the conversations in the room. As the man appears unsure of what to say, Piper drinks the last bit of her wine and places the glass on the table, "I realize you might want to think on the offer.. but I suggest you not take entirely too long. My sources tell me the Corporate Sector has already begun developping a game quite like the one you're being offered, but with prices so astronomical you'd very likely lose money in the deal. They'd want a cut of the profits atop a rather hefty rental fee and an initial placement fee that would make your head spin. What I offer, however, is free of risk, free of charge. You stand nothing to lose but a potential profit if you don't choose to invest." Karrde pauses, and motions a server over. He pats his pockets a moment, and ahhs as he finds what he's looking for. He gingerly hands a small thin square of datacard to the server, motioning to the manager and the woman. The server, unquestioning, nods and moves over there. Ariana's eyes are on the glass of wine before her, though she can hardly miss the movement of Karrde's presentation of the datacard to the server. She looks at her companion questioningly for a moment, then returns her attention to her wine. The server makes her way over to the table, and waits there, politely. Piper glances up to the server and arches a slender brow minutely to him as she appears to be waiting for Mr. Belafunte to respond with something intelligent. For his part, however, the man is speaking about bringing in new liquors and other restaurant commentary which does not interest her in the least, though her expression never betrays that. The server hands the small card over to Piper, murmuring and glancing at Karrde's table. As if on cue, the small card lights up and beging playing some rather tinny tune. Words in Basic, then in a few other languages, begins scrolling over the surface. The server looks startled. The server murmurs to you, "Compliments of the gentlebeing in the corner, miss." Piper appears surprised at first, then slightly amused at the tiny card lights up and plays it's little harmony. She first glances over to ensure Mr. Belafonte is still discussing paper goods and tiny straws by the gross, then her jewel toned eyes flicker over to the indicated table. She offers a near silent, "Thank you." to the server before her eyes light on the table in question. The card continues to announce, in a pleasant female voice, that the holder has just had the luck of being in the new Keepon Casino, on Kichnar Station. The card goes into visual spasms of delight and sound at this news, as more information toting the casino's fine games and drinks goes on. Ariana turns her attention toward Piper and smiles slightly, then chuckles quietly. "That's terribly cute." Karrde looks pleased, from his table, enjoying the little device with the air of someone privvy to an inside joke as he eats. He murmurs to Ariana, "Thank you." Piper's amusement at the card grows as the message continues, and her eyes search the table for the occupant who sent it her way. Her gaze first falls on Karrde, whom she regards with interest, then upon Ariana, at which time her gaze narrows slightly with a hint of added caution. She leaves her attention on Ariana for only a moment before forcing her attention back on the man at her table; with a smile and an inclination of her head, she offers him a silent thanks and acknowledgement over the device. Karrde quirks a smile of acknowledgment, and flicks a glance to the man across from her. Slim fingers tap the table now, and he rubs his index and thumb together briefly, before going back to his meal. Ariana keeps her expression pleasant despite the churn of emotion in her dark blue-grey eyes, and she lifts her wine glass to Piper in an acknowledgement more than a salute, regaring her across the clear rim of the goblet. Then, with a light shrug, she picks up her fork and plays with her food, having apparently lost her appetite. Piper, with a bit of effort, manages to tune Ariana out for the most part and works to focus all of her attention on Karrde. At his quiet motion, she offers a sly smirk of a smile, her expression revealing she's got quite an interest in what he seems to want to discuss. She sits back in her seat and turns to face Mr. Belafunte in full again, giving him, by looks, her undivided attention when he speaks with her; her slight nods and silent agreements with his dialogue, however, seem merely automated and hollow. Her gaze occasionally sweeps in the direction of the other table.. the place her full attention seems to rest. Karrde continues his meal, having decided the woman was intelligent enough to know what he implied, and talks quietly with Ariana. Ariana's flinty gaze rests on Piper despite the other woman deliberately ignoring her. A cool flush creeps into her cheeks, she pauses, then murmurs something to the slender-faced man with her at the booth. Karrde's tone, even to nearby beings, is calm and reasonable, and he might as well be discussing the weather on Bespin. Piper continues to keep a subtle eye on the table while entertaining the proprieter with a pleasant aura of understanding and interest. She keeps the datacard in hand, holding it between her fingers and fiddling with it in an unconscious manner. Karrde eats in silence, the conversation apparently drifted into a casual lull at the table. He keeps an unobtrusive eye on the other table, though not as much as before he sent his little thin emissary. Ariana is not eating but is rather idly sipping the bluish wine in her glass and looking this way and that, quiet and contemplative. The proprieter drones on and on until finally glancing at the wrist chrono and appearing both surprised and politely alarmed at discovering the time. Piper appears slightly relieved but pushes the emotion off by masking it with understanding. Both rise from the table, Piper fingering the datacard before palming it discretely, then both share a departing dialogue (one obviously leaving ends open and sealing no deals) before the proprieter heads off towards the back while Piper's soft stride brings her in the direction of the exit by the way of passing Karrde's table. As she begins to pass, she slows her pace down to a near halt as slender fingers bring the card back between their tips. "Quite inventive." she remarks to the man, while she has yet to offer the woman even a flicker of a glance. Karrde glances up, doing a fine job of polite surprise at being addressed. "Thank you," he replies, "I thought they might go a long way in attracting clients." Ariana maintains her gaze on the glass and the blue fluid in it, listening, not offering any words, just remaining politely attentive. Piper continues to pay attention only to Karrde, and even angles her body as to face less of Ariana than before. "They do manage to grab the attention quite effectively." She pockets the datacard in a slow move that never leaves any question this is all she intends to do, and then the hand reaches up just as slowly to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, "Though once the attention is yours, the cute and flashy appeal are no longer of aide. I do assume, however.." She pauses, just for the briefest of moments, "That this isn't a concern of yours." She flashes a smile. Fingers drumming idly on the tabletop, Ariana watches the back of Piper's head and remarks softly, "Attention is a desirable thing, one might imagine, especially in this line of work. Did you wish a glass of wine? There's some left, and it's quite pleasant." Taggor walks in from the main concourse. Taggor has arrived. Taggor glances around as if looking for someone. He sighs then turns around to the door. Karrde smiles languidly up at the woman. "I concern myself with beyond the flash and cute, yes. Marketing has only been a peripheral way to attract desirable elements to something of more weight and value. Wouldn't you agree?" He glances at Ariana briefly, and nods his agreement. Taggor walks out of the cantina. Taggor has left. Piper glances over her shoulder and offers Ariana a professionally placed smile, "I appreciate the offer, and do believe I'll take you up on it." The very corners of her mouth beg to twinge into a smirk but she keeps her expression neutrally friendly, remarking to Ariana, "Always such a pleasure seeing you again." Karrde looks between the two women, pleasantly. "Then join us?" He's already waving to a server for an extra glass. Any irritation that Ariana might feel from the gentle barb doesn't show in her noncommital expression. "Yes, do join us, miss." Taggor walks in from the main concourse. Taggor has arrived. Kain walks in from the main concourse. Kain has arrived. Turning back to Karrde in full, Piper replies, "I'd be delighted," before moving to take a seat across from the two at the edge of that end of the booth. Sitting now directly across from Karrde, Piper smiles to him, then to them both in one motion encompassing the two while she clasps her hands loosely and rests them in front of her on the table. You sit down corner booth. CORNER The corner booth is large enough for 4 to 8 people and looks well used. It commands a discrete view of the main entrance as well as overlooking the bar. Occupied: Ariana Karrde Kain walks in behind taggor as he looks around the room. Taggor heads to the bar with his case swinging in his hand. Once arriving at the bar, he places it on the bar in front of him and slides onto a stool. Taggor sits down at the bar. Kain sits down at the bar. Kain gives Crystal some Galactic Standard Credits. Crystal works with grace as she makes a blackmoon and serves it to Kain. In the corner, Karrde smiles, a server bringing a fresh glass. "Introduction might be in order, as I seem to be the odd one out as far as familiarity." The smile Ariana gives to Piper is aching in its sweetness while she fills the just-delivered glass with some Mutandan wine. Taggor looks at Kain. Kain has left. Crystal works with grace as she makes a Lomiin_Ale and serves it to Taggor. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. In the corner, Ariana turns toward Piper and offers her the glass, still smiling, as yet not responding to Karrde's indication that introductions are needed. In the corner, Piper seems to become more amused now than not with Ariana's presence and she returns the smile a touch crookedly with a masked air of cockiness, reminiscent of someone having spent a bit too much time around a certain young man. Attention turning to Karrde, she shifts that bit of an obnoxious air to more of a professional expression and responds, "Elysia Jaxom." In the corner, Karrde bows, from the neck, still smiling. "Charmed. Talon Karrde, the owner and proprietor of the casino across the way. It has already musically introduced itself." In the corner, Ariana says nothing again, her teeth almost clenched as she retains her silence, fingers busying themselves on the glass containing her wine. Taggor takes a drink from his Lomiin_Ale. Taggor sits facing the bar with his case in front of him. He slowly opens the case and looks inside, briefly. After looking at the contents for a couple of seconds, he shuts the case and relocks it. In the corner, Piper offers Ariana again that amused expression before she returns her full gaze to Karrde, offering him again more professional smile and a polite, "A pleasure to meet you." before inquiring while raising her glass of wine to her lips, "Yes, and it was quite an introduction.. though I can't say I remember ever having seen it open." Taggor takes a drink from his Lomiin_Ale. In the corner, Ariana notes pleasantly, "That's because it's yet to be opened, Miss Jaxom. Perhaps you and your companion will grace us with a visit once the Casino is open to the public?" In the corner, Karrde opens his mouth, and stops, looking to Ariana. Taggor sees the familiar faces in the corner and takes a long glance in their direction. Karrde seems to be in an amusing conversation with the two women. Or between them. He looks amused, at any rate. In the corner, Piper just seems content to smile, taking a sip of the wine. As the glass leaves her lips and returns to rest atop the table she remarks, "Quite a lovely wine," pausing fashionably before addressing Ariana with an comment left open by her tone, "Perhaps." In the corner, Karrde clears his throat, and asks pointedly, "Am I interrupting anything?" His glance is to Ariana, and a brow is raised. Taggor smiles as he watches the man and two ladies. He holds his drink in his hand slowly sipping from it. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. In the corner, Ariana quiets, jaw muscles bunching, color rising in her cheeks, and she shakes her head once as her head bends and her gaze focusses on the table. The fingers about the glass of wine tighten, then loosen as she finishes the bluish liquid there. In the corner, Karrde looks to Piper with polite interest. Karrde glances briefly about the room occasionally, apparently from idle habit, and eyes Taggor dispassionately for a moment before moving on. Taggor smirks from the glance from Karrde but continues watching. Randal walks in from the main concourse. Randal has arrived. Randal looks around. Randal sits down at the bar. Randal taps on the bar and smiles. Crystal works with grace as she makes a water and serves it to Randal. Randal takes a sip from his water. In the corner, Piper's gaze flickers briefly between Ariana and Karrde, a sparkle in her eye showing her thorough amusement at the situation before she looks back to Karrde in full, "This seems to be quite the market for such a business venture, as I've gathered from watching the traffic." Her comment is spoken idly as she takes yet another sip of her wine. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. In the corner, Ariana is patently, plainly, committed to no further comment and keeps her eyes demurely on the table, allowing the other woman and Karrde to continue unimpeded. In the corner, Karrde settles forward, resting his forearms on the table. "Considering I'm doing more marketing and advertising than this cantina, I imagine so. I admit to overhearing your pitch to this establishment." Overheard, yes, regret the eavesdropping, no, as his easy smile suggests. Randal notices that she is giving him the cold shoulder. Randal takes a sip from his water. Randal takes a sip from his water. Randal looks at Taggor Randal takes a sip from his water. Taggor takes a sip from his Lomiin_Ale. Randal looks about the bar. In the corner, Piper appears pleasantly surprised at the mild revelation and she nods once, making a slight hand gesture to indicate the direction the owner was last seen heading in, "He seemed rather interested. Can't say I blame him, this place appears to do a roughly mediocre level of business, nothing outstanding." In the corner, Karrde 's reply is wry, "I have concerns about the level of business this cantina will attract after more business arrives. It has, for a while, had the blessed chance of holding a monopoly on decent eateries here on the station. That luck will not hold." He switches, from economic philosophy to a more immediate matter, his directness curious. "You had something to offer this place?" Randal takes a sip from his water. Taggor finishes off his Lomiin_Ale. Taggor turns back around on his stool to face the bar. Randal looks at Taggor. In the corner, Piper seems to soak up your direct approach and replies with a frank, "Yes, I do. A holographic gaming device programmed to simulate virtual reality combat of a rather fantastic nature." In the corner, Ariana turns her glass around in her fingers, head tilted slightly toward Karrde as he speaks, then toward Piper when she replies. She also appears to be aware of the men at the bar, but such awareness is not evident. Randal looks around. Randal takes a sip from his water. Randal takes a sip from his water. Taggor grabs his case and slides off his stool. Taggor walks away from the bar. In the corner, Ariana turns her glass around in her fingers, head tilted slightly toward Karrde as he speaks, then toward Piper when she replies. She also appears to be aware of the men at the bar, but such awareness is not evident. Taggor walks to the door, pushing his way through the crowd. Taggor walks out of the cantina. Taggor has left. Randal takes a sip from his water. In the corner, Karrde looks intrigued, asks, "Do you have a demonstration model?" In the corner, Piper nods once, slowly, "The device is in a state of storage, currently, safelocked until the proper market could be found. It is a fully working and functional model, however. For now, the only of it's kind." In the corner, Karrde follows the woman's words closely with, "And what were you asking of the management of this cantina, for use of your game?" In the corner, Piper shrugs a shoulder, "Those details were still being negotiated, though the main aspects involved his use of the machine to promote business in his establishment in exchange for a full take on the credits collected by the machine alone. A deal in which there is no loss offered, only gain for all involved." In the corner, Karrde muses, "A draw then. I might point out that a casino seems an ideal place for such a thing, were it as interesting as you possibly believe it to be." A quick smile, "I'm biased, but make your own conclusions on your options, if I indicate that I'm interested." In the corner, Piper smiles as well and nods as Karrde speaks, "It does seem like quite the appropriate place, should it be an option." She swirls the liquid in her glass, watching it quietly before mentioning, "There was a plan to bring the machine down sometime within the next week or so, to test it in the market." She looks up to Karrde, "If you're interested, I can see that you're made aware of it's arrival so you can come see if it looks like a device.." She takes a sip of her wine idly before finishing, "That might interest your casino." In the corner, Karrde nods agreeably, "Of course. I've set an open for the casino in about ten days, which should allow enough time for testing. The casino opening has been delayed a little from such unexpected technical problems as dealer droids cursing in Ithorian, but..." He waves a hand, his mouth twitching. "It's been fixed." In the corner, Ariana opens her mouth as if to speak, then instead reaches for the wine and places a small amount in the goblet before her. In the corner, Piper smiles crookedly, though she works to supress it, and nods, "Where can I leave word when the machine does arrive? As I'm sure you understand, I'm not going to be advertising it's arrival to the station beforehand. After the scouting reports from Tatooine came in, I've been a bit concerned about security." In the corner, Karrde looks slightly puzzled, but replies, "The bouncers are always at the doors of the casino, and they can rely messages to me, wherever I am." In the corner, Piper nods once and responds, "I'll alert them when we bring the machine down, then." In the corner, Karrde smiles, pleased. "Thank you. I'd like to try the device out, though I'm not one for escapist games." In the corner, Ariana finally does speak, something very mild. "I'd like Hallan to see it as well...if possible." In the corner, Karrde nods at Ariana's suggestion. "Good idea. Hallan is our resident technical person," he explains. Donivan walks in from the main concourse. Donivan has arrived. You just got checked, girl. (By Donivan.) Methos walks in from the main concourse. Methos has arrived. Methos takes a step in the doors and looks around, In the corner, Piper nods slowly, even a bit hesitantly. "I need to ensure the machine's integrity.. " She starts off as if prepared to dish out a wordy explanation but instead opts to say, "I just need to make sure this isn't tinkered with or anything like that." Donivan relising he made a wrong turn somewhere heads out Donivan walks out of the cantina. Donivan has left. In the corner, Karrde says understandingly, "Of course. If you or one of your people could be there when we try it out, that would be most satisfactory, I think." In the corner, Ariana nods quietly in concurrence with Karrde's suggestion and watches Piper for further reaction. Methos grumbles as Donivan leaves, "That's right... no doubt." he then continues mumbling about 'ass whoopin' and 'only a rifle' as he makes his way to the bar. In the corner, Piper responds with a nod of her head, "I'll be there, as will my associate." She eyes Ariana as she speaks the last part. In the corner, Ariana says with a genuine, if small, smile, "I'll look forward to seeing him since we understand each other so well, he and I." Methos takes a deep breath as he adresses Crystal, "May I please have a water, ma'am?" His right fist is clenched so hard it could draw blood. In the corner, Karrde smiles, either missing the nuances, or skimming over them. "And who is your associate, if I may ask?" Crystal looks wry at Methos for a moment. She then makes a large water and hands it to Methos. Methos takes the water and sits on the stool before him. "Thanks." he says a little more convincingly. Methos sits down at the bar. In the corner, Piper smirks at Ariana with an amused glint in her eye before turning back to Karrde, "His name is Tyler McBride, he's my main business partner in this venture." In the corner, Karrde nods. "Given the circumstances of our mutual professions and interests, I'm glad to have the opportunity of making both of your acquaintances." Methos finishes the water and stands. After a moment he turns and heads towards the exit. Methos walks away from the bar. Methos walks out of the cantina. Methos has left. In the corner, Piper offers a slow nod in return, "As am I glad to have made your aquaintance, Mr. Karrde. I think if things work out, we all stand to profit quite a bit." In the corner, Karrde frowns as his comlink goes off, and murmurs, "Excuse me," as he unclips it and murmurs, "Karrde here," into the device. In the corner, Piper takes the last of her wine in a slow sip while her eyes roam the Cantina. In the corner, Ariana as Karrde uses the comlink says quietly to Piper, "More wine, Miss Jaxom? There's a bit left as yet." In the corner, Piper shakes her head a bit to Ariana, absently. She comments in a tone reflective of that absent nature, "Though it is a lovely wine, I do believe I've had plenty this afternoon. Thank you kindly for the offer, however." Her eyes contine to scan the room, not returning to the table during this exchange. Donivan walks in from the main concourse. Donivan has arrived. You just got checked, girl. (By Donivan.) Donivan walks out of the cantina. Donivan has left. In the corner, Karrde murmurs, "Ah good. Can you brief me later? I'm in a meeting," into the comlink. In the corner, Karrde finishes with, "Thank you," and thumbs the thing off, tucking it away and saying, "Sorry about that interuption. Yes, I think things will work well. As Ariana has graciously said, you and Mr McBride are welcome to come to the opening, though I might advise security measures, as the guest list is of mixed company." In the corner, Ariana pauses, then adds, "Please give him my personal assurance that we'll see to his safety and yours as best we can. I have no emnity toward him, I promise. Not when the boats we're in are so similar." In the corner, Karrde smiles in agreement, and looks back to Piper. In the corner, Piper returns her attention to the table and rests her fingers around the now empty glass before her. "Quite all right." she responds to Karrde. To Ariana, she simply turns and nods; her expression holds no malice and not only does she seem to take the comment in full seriousness, she looks as if she had no doubt about the situation in the least. Her voice is quite honest when she speaks to Ariana, and all she manages to say is, "That is appreciated." A moment later, her tongue gets the better of her business etiquitte and she adds in a lower tone again directed more towards Ariana than before, "And if you don't further attempt to be my moral advisor in the future, I don't see why we wouldn't get along fairly well." In the corner, Ariana pauses, the jaw muscles clenching again, then, with a glance at Karrde, she once nods to Piper, curtly. In the corner, Karrde maintains a sabacc face as he watches Piper, moreso than Ariana. In the corner, Karrde murmurs a comment, "The situation has changed. A reassessment may be in order." He sips from his wine, casually, making no explanation of who the comment was to; might as well have been to both of them, or the table. In the corner, Piper just seems to be stating an honest comment, one she holds in a rather serious light. She seems satisfied with Ariana's nod and she turns back to Karrde, "I appreciate the invitation and assure you if it's possible, the two of us will attend." After a moment's pause she adds, "And we'll be sure to be careful, or at least aware of the setting." In the corner, Karrde nods with a smile. "If you need special considerations as far as security, I have considerable flexibility in that regard." In the corner, Ariana offers gently, "In fact, I'd like the honour of personally seeing to that, Miss Jaxom. If you'll let us know when you expect to be at the Casino, I'll see to arrangements myself." In the corner, Karrde swirls his wine, nodding his agreement with Ariana. In the corner, Piper nods slowly to them both and speaks quietly, "I'll have to discuss with my partner and find out when that might be, but when that detail is settled upon.. I'll let you know." In afterthought, she adds, "I assume a message could be left with your bouncers, Mr. Karrde, for her should the time come to relay that information to her?" In the corner, Karrde answers, "Yes, that will do." In the corner, Ariana hesitates only a moment, then offers Piper her right hand. "My best to your partner, Miss Jaxom. We'll look forward to seeing the both of you soon." In the corner, Piper glances over as Ariana speaks and extends her hand to shake Ari's with a solemn smile on her face. "As we will to you both as well." Shifting her attention to Karrde, Piper nods her head to him, "It was a pleasure talking to you both.. I'll be in touch as soon as I have the information which currently interests you." In the corner, Karrde offers his own hand with a nod. "I look forward to it." In the corner, Piper extends her hand to Karrde's as she replies, "As do I." With that, she offers a departing smile to them both and rises from the booth, glancing about the room carefully before beginning her way towards the exit. You stand up and walk away from the corner booth. Piper rises from the corner booth and makes her way through the patrons of the cantina, keeping her eye on her surroundings as she does so. Karrde watches the woman depart, and turns back to Ariana, voicing a question. You decide to head for the fresh air and leave the cantina. KOS Level 4 -Northern Concourse- You stand in the middle of a long corridor reaching from the center of the station out to the outer edge. Along the corridor a variety of businesses have shops open and flashy signs trying to draw you into their interiors. -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- KC Keepon Casino leads to Level 4 -Keepon Casino-. FLS FineLine Spaceways Office leads to Level 4 -FLS Offices-. BN Blue Nebula leads to Level 4 -Blue Nebula Cantina-. C Coreward leads to Level 4 -Concourse-.
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