* Hayley was previously an anchorperson in "News Glance With Genevieve Vavance".
* It is revealed that Terry left Greg to follow 311 on tour.
* During the storm, the Wilhelm Scream can be heard when an alligator eats a man. Of note, the original use of this sound effect was a man getting bit by an alligator in Distant Drums.http://priceonomics.com/the-wilhelm-scream-cinemas-most-overused-sound/
* "Dream Phone" was an actual game from circa 1991 by Milton Bradley.
* Francine claims that her high-school nickname was "suck machine," which was also Greg's nickname. Stan reports his was "Stan the man" because there was a girl named Stan in his class.
* Francine mentions setting her chemistry class on fire in high school, a nod to events in "Now and Gwen".
* Roger dresses as Blossom Russo from the 1990's TV show "Blossom" when disguised to travel to see Dylan's model with Hayley, Steven and Klaus.http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--TyMLil0g--/18k3mat0ilcyjjpg.jpg