| - sea*author's note lessons have been learned from such a small thing but people don't know it's true value of what knowledge can bring ~ So I honestly hated this story at first - I still kinda do. I feel as if I messed up my characters - especially Owlmoon - but then I managed to fix them all in the end. Every single character in this story is based off someone I know - Owlmoon, Skymist, Roseblossom, and Swanheart are real-life best friends that I love. Duskshimmer is also a friend of mine, and Snake is my legitimate brother. Piper is Owlmoon's legitmate sister. Oh, and Windrunner is based off a friend of mine as well. And I, of course, am the lovely, fantastic Autumnbreeze. So many of you might think: Oh, this is just a story, it has no significance. Well, it actually does. ~ Let's just say that I am the type of person who takes things to heart. I tend to do it involuntarily, and some insults just hurt. And, let's just say... I made the same mistakes Autumnbreeze did. I doubted my freinds, I isolated myself from them, and I ended up making myself more miserable than I should've. It was a really stupid thing, and I regret it now. It's not like I fell out of a tree - I can't even climb a tree to be honest - but I did some pretty idiotic things. So here's something for you guys out there: Never doubt your friends, no matter how they act towarsd you. If they stick with you until the end, then they are someone worth being with and worth fighting for. And, if they don't stay with you - they never were your true friend in the beginning. ~ So here, in my author's note, I'm advising you guys to trust yourself, and to trust others. Friendships are what bring people together, and they are what keep people happy. I love you guys <3 ~ the truth has been told now don't make dreadful mistakes and leave your world cold