The Goblin Elite Attack Force are Fiend Type Monsters that looks like Goblins wearing silver armor. Usually there are three to four members of the Elite Attack Force.
Attributes | Values |
| - Goblin Elite Attack Force
| - The Goblin Elite Attack Force are Fiend Type Monsters that looks like Goblins wearing silver armor. Usually there are three to four members of the Elite Attack Force.
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fr name
| - Troupe d'Assaut Gobeline d'Élite
es lore
| - Si esta carta ataca, se cambia a Posición de Defensa al final de la Battle Phase, y su posición de batalla no puede ser cambiada hasta el final de tu próximo turno.
el name
| - Εκλεκτή Επιθετική Ομάδα Καλλικάνταρων
Romaji Name
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hr name
| - Goblinska Elitna Postrojba
ja lore
| - ①:このカードは攻撃した場合、バトルフェイズ終了時に守備表示になり、次の自分ターンの終了時まで表示形式を変更できない。
it lore
| - Se questa carta attacca, essa viene messa in Posizione di Difesa alla fine della Battle Phase, e la sua posizione non può essere cambiata fino alla fine del tuo prossimo turno.
pt name
| - Força de Ataque de Elite Goblin
| - If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase, and its battle position cannot be changed until the end of your next turn.
pt lore
| - Se este card atacar, ele é colocado em Posição de Defesa no final da Fase de Batalha e sua posição de batalha não pode mudar até o final do seu próximo turno.
it name
| - Forza d'Attacco Goblin d'Elite
trans name
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ko lore
| - ①: 이 카드는 공격했을 경우, 배틀 페이즈 종료시에 수비 표시가 되고, 다음 자신 턴의 종료시까지 표시 형식을 변경할 수 없다.
de lore
| - Falls diese Karte angreift, wird sie am Ende der Battle Phase in die Verteidigungsposition geändert und ihre Kampfposition kann bis zum Ende deines nächsten Spielzugs nicht geändert werden.
ko name
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de name
| - Goblin Elite Angriffstruppe
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es name
| - Fuerza de Ataque de Élite Goblin
wc6 sets
| - Cybernetic Revolution
Fiend Collection B
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Si cette carte attaque, à la fin de la Battle Phase, elle est changée en Position de Défense, et jusqu'à la fin de votre prochain tour, sa position de combat ne peut pas être changée.
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effect types
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wc08 sets
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Ja Name
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| - * Changes battle positions
* Prevents Battle Position changes
| - The Goblin Elite Attack Force are Fiend Type Monsters that looks like Goblins wearing silver armor. Usually there are three to four members of the Elite Attack Force.
is Card
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