Clown Man ist ein Boss in Mega Man 8. Kategorie:Bosse Kategorie:Boss (MM8)
Clown Man is one of the Robot Masters from Mega Man 8.
Clown Man (クラウンマン Kuraun Man?, Trad. Hombre Payaso) es un travieso payaso Robot Master de Mega Man 8. Él era originalmente un robot de un parque de diversiones, pero fue robado y modificado por el Dr. Wily para causar estragos en algún lugar de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. El puede transformarse a si mismo en una bola la cual mientras rota y rebota se baña de electricidad, algo que el denomina como Thunder Carnival (carnaval del trueno). Sus partes sobrantes fueron utilizadas para crear a Frost Man.
Clown Man (クラウンマン Kuraunman?) is a mischievous clown-like Robot Master from Mega Man 8. He was originally a robot designed for an amusement park, but was stolen and remodeled for combat by Doctor Albert W. Wily, gaining the ability to telescopically extend his arms and channel high-voltage electricity through them as part of his Special Weapon, the Thunder Claw. He can also temporarily surround himself in a ball of electricity and bounce around in fast and erratic patterns for a unique attack that he refers to as the Thunder Carnival. His leftover parts were used by Wily to create Frost Man.