| - [[Image:Red148px.gif|frame|right|100px|The Eight Pointed Cross of The Scottish Knights Templar from the Scottish Knights Templar website [1]] [[Image:sktcp1.gif|frame|right|150px|The Cross Pattee of The Scottish Knights Templar from the Scottish Commandery of St Clair, Grand Priory of the Knights Templar in Scotland website [2]] [[Image:Grand Priory of the Scots2.png|frame|right|200px|The Cross of The Grand Priory of the Scots [3]and [4]] See also: Knights Templar in Scotland Since the mid nineteenth century myths, legends and anecdotes connecting the Templars to the Battle of Bannockburn have been created. Degrees in Freemasonry, such as the Royal Order of Scotland, allude to the story of Rosslyn and the Scottish Knights Templar . This theme was repeated in the pseudohistory book The Temple and The Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, first published in 1989. On the subject of a possible Bruce connection, Masonic Historian D Murray Lyon wrote "The fraternity of Kilwinning never at any period practiced or acknowledged other than the Craft degrees; neither does there exist any tradition worthy of the name, local or national, nor has any authentic document yet been discovered that can in the remotest degree be held to identify Robert Bruce with the holding of Masonic Courts, or the institution of a secret society at Kilwinning."