Boo's Shop, also known as Igor's Shop, is a location that appears in Paper Mario. It is an Item Shop run by Igor in the basement of Boo's Mansion. This shop is known for selling Life Shrooms and other rather expensive items. It is the only shop to sell the Mystery item. During the first arrival at Boo's Shop, Igor wouldn't sell any items to Mario by orders of Lady Bow. However, once Lady Bow joins Mario's party, Igor allows him to buy items again.
Boo's Shop, also known as Igor's Shop, is a location that appears in Paper Mario. It is an Item Shop run by Igor in the basement of Boo's Mansion. This shop is known for selling Life Shrooms and other rather expensive items. It is the only shop to sell the Mystery item. During the first arrival at Boo's Shop, Igor wouldn't sell any items to Mario by orders of Lady Bow. However, once Lady Bow joins Mario's party, Igor allows him to buy items again.