Kavar was a Sullustan Male Jedi Master. He trained Lyn Korak and begun the training of Wes Odo before leaving the Order for several years.
[Source] Kavar fut un Maître Jedi Humain. Il détenait un siège au conseil de l'Enclave Jedi de Dantooine pendant les Guerres Mandaloriennes et la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Il a participa à la formation de Meetra Surik Il était ami avec Zez-Kai Ell et Vrook Lamar, il moururent tous les trois de la main de Dark Traya dans les ruines de l'Enclave Jedi lorsque l'Exilée réunit les membres survivants du Conseil pour lutter contre le Triumvirat Sith.
Kavar:Kuningattaren pitää elää.. -Jedi mestari-Kavar vastaa kapinointia
Force healing}}Kavar was a Jedi Master and part of the Jedi Council in 310 BTC. He and other Jedi Council members were reunited by the Meetra Surik to have a meeting in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine to discuss how to stop the Sith Triumvirate. He was hiding on Onderon to help Queen Talia's efforts of the Onderon Civil War. He was killed along with masters Vrook Lamar and Zez-Kai Ell by Darth Traya because of trying to execute Meetra for being a "wound in the Force". He was one of the last Jedi Purge victims and to help the exile regain his power.
Kavar era un maestro Jedi y un miembro del alto consejo Jedi durante las Guerras Mandalorianas y la Guerra Civil Jedi. También tuvo a muchos padawans de entre que destacaba la Jedi Exiliada.
Kavar jedi mesterként szolgált, és tagja volt a Jedi Nagytanácsnak a mandalóri háború és a jedi polgárháború idején. Közeli barátja volt a Jedi Száműzöttnek, aki egy ideig tanítványa is volt a Mandalóriai Háborút megelőző időszakban.
Jedi Master Kavar or simply Kavar was the most notorious Jedi Master in his time. He was the best Jedi Guardian. Except for Darth Revan, of course. He was oh so full of powah!!
Kavar was a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. He was also close friends with Meetra Surik, who learned under him as an informal Padawan prior to the Mandalorian Wars.
Kavar was one of the Lost Jedi, he was a Jedi Guardian and wielded two lightsabers.