Kitted out with axes, maces, shield, and armour, these men pass for heavy cavalry for those historically with no knightly tradition in the Castle Age. Although they cost far less metal to recruit, these men however have a slight attack penalty and in battle against other heavy cavalry, especially Byzantine-styled cataphracts, they may deal very little damage.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Kitted out with axes, maces, shield, and armour, these men pass for heavy cavalry for those historically with no knightly tradition in the Castle Age. Although they cost far less metal to recruit, these men however have a slight attack penalty and in battle against other heavy cavalry, especially Byzantine-styled cataphracts, they may deal very little damage.
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Row 9 info
| - Upgrades to Man-at-Arms
- Library:—
*30px|link=Castle Age|Castle Age [2]
*30px|Level 5: Conduct of War link=Library#Military research|Military
Upgrade of Lancer, Jarl
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| - Unit move & creation speed
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| - Technological Requirements/Upgrades
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| - *Pop Cost: ?
*Resource cost: ?link=Resources#Metal|Metal; ?link=Resources#Wealth|Wealth
*Ramp cost: 2link=Resources#Wealth|Wealth
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| - *Norse
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Row 7 info
| - *Movement Speed: Fairly fast
*Creation Speed: Slow
Box Title
| - Retinue Cavalry: Vital statistics
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| - Kitted out with axes, maces, shield, and armour, these men pass for heavy cavalry for those historically with no knightly tradition in the Castle Age. Although they cost far less metal to recruit, these men however have a slight attack penalty and in battle against other heavy cavalry, especially Byzantine-styled cataphracts, they may deal very little damage. Thus, unless desperate, you are well advised to perhaps stick to a combination of infantry and light cavalry during the Castle Age. Fortunately, the other units of these factions — militia and melee units — should be able to round out whatever handicaps these nations have. Like Russian cavalry, Retinue Cavalry have one half of their ramp cost eliminated, so you can train these men in large groups in which they will be most effective. By the onset of the Intermediate Middle Ages, the use and power of cavalry were making themselves more extensively felt throughout the Old World, most notably embodied in the form of the spirit of chivalry, in which dedicated bands of warriors served as both soldier and governor: the miles or knightly class, which was drilled to perfection to live, fight and die in the saddle. Although the mediaeval knight dominated much of Europe's mediaeval history, there were vast areas in the world where heavy cavalry continued to be used but did not always reach the same standards or numbers as the European knight, for a variety of reasons: either there was a lack of proper terrain for true heavy cavalry to fight in (such as Wales, Scandinavia, or the Middle East), or there was simply a lack of proper horses to go by (such as in post-Tang China).