| - The Doctor is the titular main protagonist of the British television series Doctor Who. A renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the Doctor has gone on various adventures throughout time and space with his companions, saving countless lives and preventing the destruction of the universe and beyond multiple times.
- The Doctor is a thousand-year-old Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Something of a rebel compared with others Time Lords, he stole a time-travelling spaceship to go explore the universe and never looked back. He spends a lot of time on Earth, and has grown rather fond of it and its people. The Doctor has many enemies as well as friends. Some of his more famous foes are the Master, the Daleks (the most iconic of them all), the Cybermen, and the Weeping Angels.
| - The Doctor is a thousand-year-old Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Something of a rebel compared with others Time Lords, he stole a time-travelling spaceship to go explore the universe and never looked back. He spends a lot of time on Earth, and has grown rather fond of it and its people. He likes to take travelling companions with him on his journeys, and most of them have been human (one notable exception is Romana, a fellow Time Lady). Together, they have adventures through time and space and save humanity from being destroyed or enslaved at least twice a year. The companions can only take so much of this, so there's a fairly regular turnover rate. Some of them are lucky enough to simply say "Okay, that's enough, thanks," and retire; others have suffered a variety of more or less unpleasant fates, leading to spells where the Doctor swears off adventuring and declares himself a lone wolf. To date, this has never stuck. The Doctor has many enemies as well as friends. Some of his more famous foes are the Master, the Daleks (the most iconic of them all), the Cybermen, and the Weeping Angels.
- The Doctor is the titular main protagonist of the British television series Doctor Who. A renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the Doctor has gone on various adventures throughout time and space with his companions, saving countless lives and preventing the destruction of the universe and beyond multiple times.