| - Raised by a single mother in Cambridge, Effie grew up knowing precious little about her father and telling herself she wouldn't have liked him anyway. She was named after her Scottish grandmother, Oighrig - although her mother had the sense to use a slightly easier to spell version of that name and her middle name came from a character in Emily's favorite book, Wuthering Heights. She led a relatively happy, albeit quiet childhood with just her mother, and one or two of her boyfriends, although each time the relationships failed before coming to any proper fruition. Apart from those momentary distractions, it seemed that the only disturbances in her life were coming from herself.
| - Raised by a single mother in Cambridge, Effie grew up knowing precious little about her father and telling herself she wouldn't have liked him anyway. She was named after her Scottish grandmother, Oighrig - although her mother had the sense to use a slightly easier to spell version of that name and her middle name came from a character in Emily's favorite book, Wuthering Heights. She led a relatively happy, albeit quiet childhood with just her mother, and one or two of her boyfriends, although each time the relationships failed before coming to any proper fruition. Apart from those momentary distractions, it seemed that the only disturbances in her life were coming from herself. Effie found herself getting in constant trouble, alienating neighbors and climbing in trees, unhesitating and somewhat unruly in whatever scheme she chose to focus on. Her grades were not bad, but she obviously didn't share the love for books her mother had, and there was no worse punishment for her than having to sit around the bookstore Emily owned, quietly. Her childhood was marked by a couple of phenomena that left her baffled and slightly scared for her mental sanity: tree branches smacking people who annoyed her, objects she was nowhere near of being knocked over, pebbles she never touched breaking a window while she was still debating the merits of such venture versus the punishment she'd get. At first, Effie simply thought she was imaging things, or blamed it on nature going crazy, but when she reached the age of eleven, it was revealed to her she was a witch. Professor Moss, the woman who kindly explained her predicament, had told her that muggleborns were rather rare, which prompted her to conclude her father was the one who passed down the magic to her. As soon as the idea crossed her mind, Effie wasted no time in whole heartedly adopting it, and deciding her having to leave for a boarding school was all his fault. Having already made up her mind, Effie convinced her mother of the merits of moving in with her father, claiming she would have liked to know more about magic before leaving for the school. After spending the whole summer with him, Effie still can't call Pantaleon father without being overcome by the strong desire to cringe. In all honesty, she had bonded better with his house elf, Tinky, than with him, but neither seems eager to go the extra step and improve their relationship.