| - A niece of the Republic's Grand Admiral Gial Ackbar, Aleann Cilghal was a Force-sensitive Mon Calamari from Dac and was inducted into the Jedi Order at an early age at the instruction of her uncle. Training on Ossus, Cilghal studied at the academy in Knossa for several years until the age of thirteen when she was selected for one-on-one training by Bardan Jusik, the Watchman of Mandalore. Traveling to Sundari, Cilghal lived there for two years as she trained under the knowledgeable healer and medic. When Master K'Kruhk came to ask Jusik to take over the role of Chief Healer on Coruscant, Cilghal joined him on the Republic's capital world at the Jedi Temple's Halls of Healing. Studying within the vast halls, Cilghal enjoyed applying her healing abilities in different ways, mastering the use
| - A niece of the Republic's Grand Admiral Gial Ackbar, Aleann Cilghal was a Force-sensitive Mon Calamari from Dac and was inducted into the Jedi Order at an early age at the instruction of her uncle. Training on Ossus, Cilghal studied at the academy in Knossa for several years until the age of thirteen when she was selected for one-on-one training by Bardan Jusik, the Watchman of Mandalore. Traveling to Sundari, Cilghal lived there for two years as she trained under the knowledgeable healer and medic. When Master K'Kruhk came to ask Jusik to take over the role of Chief Healer on Coruscant, Cilghal joined him on the Republic's capital world at the Jedi Temple's Halls of Healing. Studying within the vast halls, Cilghal enjoyed applying her healing abilities in different ways, mastering the use of healing crystals and marveling at the soothing techniques of the other healers. When not in the Halls of Healing, Cilghal would pour over medical journals in the Temple Archives at the urging of Jusik. During a discussion with Chief Archivist Kranor Fel, Cilghal was convinced to study politics while at the Temple because the academy there focused on political teachings. Finding that she had a knack for politics, Cilghal decided to study both diplomacy and the healing arts while stationed on Coruscant. With her master's blessings, Cilghal embarked on a two year course with the Order's Diplomatic Corps and worked through an intensive program of interplanetary politics. Following her time with the DiploCorps, Cilghal worked on and off in the Galactic Senate as an aide to the Order's embassy there and assisted members of the Council of Reconciliation with their paperwork and other clerical duties. During her time there Cilghal formed a close relationship with Supreme Chancellor Meana Tills and her Secretary of Defense, Grand Admiral Gial Ackbar. Spending many long hours discussing politics with the Chancellor and her uncle, Cilghal's relationship with the Office of the Supreme Chancellor did not go unnoticed by the Council of Reconciliation who commended her on her work in the Senate. When it came time to craft her own lightsaber, Cilghal used a Ultima-Pearl from Dac gifted to her by her uncle as a focusing crystal. When the battles in Hutt Space began to grow more fierce, Cilghal and her master traveled to the front lines where they served as triage medics healing Jedi and Republic and Confederate soldiers alike. Despite her focus on politics, Cilghal's medical abilities had not diminished and she constantly improved the more she worked her skills. In 10 ABY, at the height of the conflict with the Hutts, Cilghal withdrew to Tython to study as a Journeyer. While loathe to leave the battle, the High Council and her master agreed that she should not the Order had enough field surgeons and medics to cover for her and that her studies were more central to her development as a Jedi. Marveling at the skills she developed for herself at Mahara Kesh and the debating skills she honed at Bodhi, Cilghal was knighted at Padawan Kesh and returned to Hutt Space to finish out the last year of war alongside her former master.