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- The Big Sleep is an episode from the second season of The Garfield Show.
- The Big Sleep is a 1939 novel written by Raymond Chandler, and the first novel to feature his private investigator Philip Marlowe. The book is regularly assigned by Sylvia Moore to her literature students.
- The Big Sleep won the 2007 Eisner Award in the category Best Digital Comic.
- "The Big Sleep" is the For Real segment for "Sensible Flats", which is the fifth episode of Cyberchase.
- The Big Sleep is a painting by Salvador Dali.
- However, for the undauntably bold, a description of The Big Sleep has been procured at great risk. If you must read this article, do so with a spotter. If you turn pale and/or begin compulsively quoting Casablanca, turn the computer off immediately.
- Miss Hardbroom's class have been gathering potion ingredients, but Belladonna has deliberately defied her teacher and brought in a highly dangerous plant. She uses its fruit to prepare a potion, uncertain what it's effect will be. Miss Cackle announces that the school is going to have an impromptu 'Offwitch Inspection' and orders them all to prepare for the Inspector's visit. As a reward for hard work, she invites everyone to share a glass of Witches' Brew, unaware that Belladonna's evil potion has ended up in the brew. Everyone who tastes the drink falls fast asleep and Hettie and her friends are left to save the school from closure with Miss Swoop's help.
- The Big Sleep was the second and last Dread challenge of the Marauder Tournament on DreadZone Station. It involved fighting ten rounds of enemies while Nanotech depleted from DreadZone Sleeper Gas.
- This is the second episode of Total Drama Island. When the next challenge comes up the campers find themselves struggling with their body clocks, as they have to stay awake, and the last one standing wins while several fall asleep only Duncan and Gwen remain, and while Duncan goes to the bathroom he falls asleep on the toilet leading to Gwen winning the challenge. When Heather shows Eva that she stole her MP3 player(but lies saying that she found it coincidentally)she is overjoyed, however she is voted off for her anger issues during the whole episode.
- The Big Sleep (1939) is a hardboiled crime novel by Raymond Chandler, the first in his acclaimed series about detective Philip Marlowe. The work has been adapted twice into film, once in 1946 and again in 1978. The story is set in Los Angeles, California. The story is noted for its complexity, with many characters double-crossing one another and many secrets being exposed throughout the narrative. The title is a euphemism for death; it refers to a rumination in the book about "sleeping the big sleep".