| - Noelle is taking off her gardening gloves after planting her dad's favorite flowers. Her and her mother planned to plant the flowers now so they would bloom on her dad's birthday in September. Marie comes running in, announcing she and Noelle are going to Hawaii. She tells Noelle that her aunt will bring them along with her if they earn their half of the trip. It'll be a lot of work, but she and Noelle can do lots of odd jobs to raise the money. Noelle and Marie start celebrating, yelling "We're going to Hawaii!" and Noelle's younger brother, Nicholas, asks if that's where they're moving to instead of New England. Nicolas explains to Noelle that their family is going to move after school ends. Apparently, Nicolas had heard their parents talk about moving subjects, like a house in New Engla
| - Noelle is taking off her gardening gloves after planting her dad's favorite flowers. Her and her mother planned to plant the flowers now so they would bloom on her dad's birthday in September. Marie comes running in, announcing she and Noelle are going to Hawaii. She tells Noelle that her aunt will bring them along with her if they earn their half of the trip. It'll be a lot of work, but she and Noelle can do lots of odd jobs to raise the money. Noelle and Marie start celebrating, yelling "We're going to Hawaii!" and Noelle's younger brother, Nicholas, asks if that's where they're moving to instead of New England. Nicolas explains to Noelle that their family is going to move after school ends. Apparently, Nicolas had heard their parents talk about moving subjects, like a house in New England will be too small and they have a lot to do before they leave, like put the mail on hold and tell the neighbors they're leaving. Nicholas thinks that it's going to be a surprise and Noelle's parents are shopping right now so Noelle can't confirm. But Marie says "You did just fine, except for the part where you though your family was moving. Noelle, you'll still be my best friend, you'll still live next door, and we're still traveling to Hawaii!"
* Question: How did Marie know Noelle wasn't moving?
* Answer: "If they planned to move this summer, why would they plant flowers for Noelle's farther's birthday that wouldn't bloom until September? And people put mail on hold if they're planning to return. Noelle would be coming backāfrom a family vacation to New England."