| - The AV-22 Landspeeder is the successor to the AV-21 and is a high-performance landspeeder meant to push the envelope when it comes to speed for its vehicle type. While airspeeders and some swoops can top it in this department, the AV-22 easily leaves most landspeeders in the dust. One of the keys to the AV-22’s remarkable speed is the specially designed 1.2LS Fusion Power Core that is essentially a modified airspeeder power core. This power is fed directly into the ARC-2 turbine engines, which are also specially designed to handle the enormous power output. Combined together, they make the AV-22 a force to be reckoned with. The AV-22 has one other special feature to set it apart from other landspeeders, which is the Halo-1 repulsorlift generator, named after CEO Sigarr Halomek who drafted the bulk of the design. While the AV-22 typically stays within the 1 meter repulsorlift cushion common to most speeders, the Halo-1 generator allows it to reach a maximum height of 10 meters if desired. This was a special feature insisted upon by Sigarr, who felt that drivers of the AV-22 would want to go full-out without having to worry about obstacles on the ground. The AV-22 is generally marketed as a toy for the wealthy and remains profitable in that niche thanks to the landspeeder’s features. On occasion, however, REC will run holonet specials for the AV-22 to give less well-off members of the galaxy the chance to own one of these craft. Once again this is due to Sigarr, a racer himself, who likes to give beings like him who crave speed, a chance to own one of the fastest speeders around.