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- Notus was the son of Eos and Astraeus. He is the South Wind, one of the four Anemoi. As his brother, Boreas the North Wind resides in Quebec (the oldest Northern American settlement), Notus may reside in one of the older South American settlements. His palace is located on the coast of northern Africa. His Roman counterpart is Auster. Notus' winds are heavy and filled with moisture, creating fog and mists. He was associated with the desiccating hot wind of the rise of Sirius after midsummer, was thought to bring the storms of late summer and autumn, he was also feared as a destroyer of crops.
- Notus var en Goa'uld Systemherre som en styrde planeten Kytos flera århundraden sedan. Han formade en allians med Athena och K'tesh. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: Relativity") kategori:Goa'uld kategori:Systemherrar kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
- Notus is a divine horse that is part of the Wind divines. You may ride him over plains to increase his wind strength or over mountains to increase his skills. The direction of the wind determines how many skills or wind strength point he earns. If the wind is from a certain direction, he may receive a skill bonus or a penalty for that current day. Up until 3100 years old, as soon as the wind strength of Notus reaches 100 percent, he will generate a storm. Once the storm is over, you can win:
* Bonus Pack
* Diamonds
* A surprise gift
- Notus (ノタス, Notasu) is a member of the Sentinels on Blank Island and he is ranked as a Major. He is also one of the youngest known members.
- Notus is a horse-like Immortal being who is the God of the South Wind. He sets the path of the Sun Chariot of Helios and is one of the three horses that drives it, called the Fire Steeds.
- Notus is a very minor character found in Chronicles of the Sword mode. He never speaks, nor does he have much to do with the storyline. He fights under Abelia. Chronicle 18
- Notus was the Greek god of the south wind, and so one of the Anemoi. His parents were the Titan and Titaness Astraios and Eos respectively. His brothers were the first six planets (with the exclusion of Earth who was Gaia, his great-grandmother). His other brothers were the other winds, Boreas (north), Eurus (east) and Zephyrus (west). His Roman counterpart was Auster.