| - A weapon art for the Caduceus. A darting, snakelike double strike. Deals substantial damage to a unit.
- (Translated from the mexican card) Species: Reptile Born: The Middle Ages Size: 1.20 meters Habitat: Deserts of Africa Has two heads, one in each end of the body. While one head sleeps the other stands guard. It can walk in both directions and is known for his ability to surprise their enemies because they know whether it's coming or going. If cornered uses its wings to escape.
- Amphisbaena are tentacle-covered demons.
- Amphisbaena is the 50th and the final level in Bloons Insanity.
- An amphisbaena (æm-fis-BAY-na) resembles a pit viper with instead of one head two of them at each end of its body. Alu-fiend
- An amphisbaena is a very large snake with a head at both ends. In combat, the creature can make a bite attack in any two directions at once, as well as being able to wrap itself around its victim (this counts as a constriction attack) and possibly pinning him or her. An amphisbaena can survive with only one head. Like all snakes, amphisbaena have poor eyesight, but are able to sense warm-blooded creatures accurately within twenty yards. Lanterns or torches will confuse them, reducing their I by D6 x 10 for that round.
- Creature found in Nahash Temple, in the Director's Cut edition of the game.
- "Nikandros (Nicander) asserts that the slough of the Amphisbaina (Amphisbaena) if wrapped round a walking-stick drives away all snakes and other creatures which kill not by biting but by striking."-Aelian, On Animals - Greek Natural History C2nd - C3rd A.D.
- Amphisbaena is a song by Mitsuyoshi released for the BMS of Fighters 2015. The stepfile was released as the Division 1 song in Round 4 of the 11th Official FFR Tournament. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- In Act IV of the game, when Geralt is trying to get information out of the seemingly mute Fisher King, he asks if the lake is safe and whether or not there are amphisbenas in it.
- In Greek mythology, the Amphisbaena is a serpent with two heads, one head at each end of its body. Its eyes were said to "glow like candles". It is said if it were chopped into two, both halves would reconnect again. Medieval bestiaries recorded the Amphisbaena as a two-headed lizard, not a snake. Amphisbaena is greek for "goes both ways".
- | style="text-align: left;" | The amphisbaena has a twin head, that is one at the tail end as well, as though it were not enough for poison to be poured out of one mouth. |- | style="text-align: right;" | —Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, ca. 77 CE |}