| - This trope characterizes women as less rational, disciplined, and emotionally stable than men, and thus more prone to mood swings, irrational overreactions, and mental illness. As a result female characters may be coddled, or their opinions undervalued. In Western works it's more likely to affect female characters over the age of 30 and who are Hollywood Homely and/or Hollywood Pudgy; bonus points if she's a Housewife. This trope is a type of Strawman Emotional. Examples of Hysterical Woman include:
| - This trope characterizes women as less rational, disciplined, and emotionally stable than men, and thus more prone to mood swings, irrational overreactions, and mental illness. As a result female characters may be coddled, or their opinions undervalued. In Western works it's more likely to affect female characters over the age of 30 and who are Hollywood Homely and/or Hollywood Pudgy; bonus points if she's a Housewife. This trope is a type of Strawman Emotional. A blatant Double Standard, it was used and invoked quite freely in older works. These days it is rarely invoked, as most people are aware of the obvious Unfortunate Implications. It's still far more common however to portray female characters becoming emotionally overwrought when under stress or behave far more irrationally than men, even when it would be out-of-character. Although unsympathetic or comedic male characters may also do so. If pushed too far, may snap and become The Ophelia. Often prone to Inelegant Blubbering. May involve Get a Hold of Yourself Woman. Compare Screaming Woman. Contrast Women Are Wiser and Emotionless Girl. Examples of Hysterical Woman include: