| - A hold-out pistol was a tiny blaster pistol used as a backup for a main weapon or a surprise weapon. It was small enough to be easily concealed in either the character's clothing or their hand, and packed enough of a punch to deal with immediate threats.
- A Hold-Out Pistol is an extremely small pistol designed to be secreted in a pocket, hidden holster, or other place of concealment. Hold-out pistols are kept as backup weapons in case a character loses their primary weapon(s), or by characters who desire not to be seen obviously armed, but for whatever reason do not wish to attempt to conceal a full-size pistol. They are approximately the size of a human palm, which is why they are sometimes referred to as "palm pistols". Many jurisdictions heavily regulate or outright ban the possession and use of hold-out pistols. See:
| - A Hold-Out Pistol is an extremely small pistol designed to be secreted in a pocket, hidden holster, or other place of concealment. Hold-out pistols are kept as backup weapons in case a character loses their primary weapon(s), or by characters who desire not to be seen obviously armed, but for whatever reason do not wish to attempt to conceal a full-size pistol. They are approximately the size of a human palm, which is why they are sometimes referred to as "palm pistols". As a result of their small size, hold-out pistols have limited range compared to full-size pistols as well as limited ammunition capacity. They do, however, do similar damage. Many jurisdictions heavily regulate or outright ban the possession and use of hold-out pistols. See:
* Hold-Out Pistol, Laser
* Hold-Out Pistol, Needler
* Hold-Out Pistol, Projectile
* Hold-Out Pistol, Proton
- A hold-out pistol was a tiny blaster pistol used as a backup for a main weapon or a surprise weapon. It was small enough to be easily concealed in either the character's clothing or their hand, and packed enough of a punch to deal with immediate threats.