[Source] Stak était un soldat clone de la Force de Reconnaissance Avancée qui servait dans l'escadron Lightning de la Grande Armée de la République durant la Guerre des Clones.
Stak es un PNJ.
Stak is an NPC.
Stak ist ein NSC auf dem Vulkania-Archipel.
Altern Stak was a Vulcan science officer in the 2150s. In 2155, Stak was serving aboard the T'Jal when Romulans attempted to capture the T'Jal. He reported to Captain Vanik that the Toth had self destructed. Vanik then made a similar decision to destroy the T'Jal. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
Stak is an incredibly versatile fighter. He can use both fire and dark magic. His basic fighting style involves heating his longsword till it glows and then attacking enemies directly. Later on, more advanced techniques such as teleportation are added to his repertoire. His movement is very agile, and he relies mainly on dodging and deconstructing magical assaults. His natural regeneration is quite poor. It can heal minor wounds well enough, but even a single solid hit to the body will put him out of commission for an extended time. His direct healing ability is likewise low. He must be able to see the affected area and concentrate intently. His healing is also incredibly inefficient, and requires power out of proportion to the effect. If he is not careful, Stak usually ends up cauterizing