| - Dark Templar er en Soldier klasse, eller en soldat klasse.. Dark Templar kan heale, tanke og dps`e.. noe som gjør at DT er den mest overpowered`e klassen i Age of Conan. det er egentlig ikke noe vits å ha andre klasser, siden ett raid av kun DT`s kan cleare alle raid instancer som er i spillet, og samtidig kan en DT alene soloe en gruppe av 8 personer med valgfrie klasser. Ja det er helt fette sykt! - Quicklight
- The founder of the Dark Depths. Templar was once a normal warrior class being. He lived in a poor village on the wastelands of Onu-Vex. There were few who would go and hunt for food, while most of them would stay and farm. Then one day a large group of soldiers arrived to the village. They massacred all of Templar's tribemates, as he hid behind a large rock. In that moment a dark shadow appeared in front of him, it proposed a deal. It would kill the soldiers and grant him power, if Templar would vow to serve the being. With no other choice Templar accepted. In a flash he watched as a swift cyclone eradicated the soldiers, and was then coming for him. But instead f harming him, the cyclone circled around his body. The armor from the soldiers then started forming new shapes, and attached to
- Nel mondo d'Hyboria, molte persone si rivolgono a poteri superiori - gli dei - per essere guidati e per la conoscenza. Alcuni si rivolgono a Mitra cercando speranza e supporto, mentre altri preferiscono Crom per l'ispirazione selvaggia. Qualcuno addirittura si dedica a Set, per potere addentrarsi nei poteri che solo lui conosce, ma il Dark Templar va oltre, fino a barattare la sua umanità con qualunque essere oscuro gli possa offrire un brandello di potere corrotto e sinistro. Specialtà: 1HE, 1HB, Assorbimento Energia, Danni Dissacranti.
- Dark Templars are Darktan's royal guards, and will always be there for their master. They are a zealous race, whom are at Darktan's beck and call 24/7. Dark Templars are also able to manipulate shadow similar to their master, but their techniques are not as powerful, nor as potent as Darktan's. Their main duties are medical, so they heal any injuries a minion has (usually they use band-aids).
| - Dark Templar er en Soldier klasse, eller en soldat klasse.. Dark Templar kan heale, tanke og dps`e.. noe som gjør at DT er den mest overpowered`e klassen i Age of Conan. det er egentlig ikke noe vits å ha andre klasser, siden ett raid av kun DT`s kan cleare alle raid instancer som er i spillet, og samtidig kan en DT alene soloe en gruppe av 8 personer med valgfrie klasser. Ja det er helt fette sykt! - Quicklight
- Nel mondo d'Hyboria, molte persone si rivolgono a poteri superiori - gli dei - per essere guidati e per la conoscenza. Alcuni si rivolgono a Mitra cercando speranza e supporto, mentre altri preferiscono Crom per l'ispirazione selvaggia. Qualcuno addirittura si dedica a Set, per potere addentrarsi nei poteri che solo lui conosce, ma il Dark Templar va oltre, fino a barattare la sua umanità con qualunque essere oscuro gli possa offrire un brandello di potere corrotto e sinistro. Percorrendo un sentiero minato di tale specie - seguendo chiunque, da dei malefici a veri e propri demoni - il templare è in grado di richiamare a sé una immensa forza e vitalità. Questo potere ovviamente ha un prezzo, che porta a confini d'immane sofferenza che la creatura oscura richiede in cambio. Il Dark Templar è quindi un combattente malefico e sinistro. Richiamando questi poteri che hanno radici nell'oscurità e nella morte, essi sono capaci di stare in prima linea durante la battaglia e sopportare danni che un guerriero ordinario non potrebbe permettersi. Mentre altri combattenti si dedicano maggiormente alla tattica o alla maestria nel padroneggiare un'arma, il templare preferisce assicurarsi la vittoria attraverso i suoi poteri nefasti. Sopportare danni è fondamentale per lui, potendo vestire qualsiasi tipo di armatura (escluso quella di piastre). Quindi il suo ruolo è spesso quello di front-end del gruppo, incassando danni a livello di un tank. Naturalmente, avendo scambiato la sua umanità con le forze delle tenebre, si affiderà più che alle armi, agli incanti che le forze oscure gli consentono. Specialtà: 1HE, 1HB, Assorbimento Energia, Danni Dissacranti.
- The founder of the Dark Depths. Templar was once a normal warrior class being. He lived in a poor village on the wastelands of Onu-Vex. There were few who would go and hunt for food, while most of them would stay and farm. Then one day a large group of soldiers arrived to the village. They massacred all of Templar's tribemates, as he hid behind a large rock. In that moment a dark shadow appeared in front of him, it proposed a deal. It would kill the soldiers and grant him power, if Templar would vow to serve the being. With no other choice Templar accepted. In a flash he watched as a swift cyclone eradicated the soldiers, and was then coming for him. But instead f harming him, the cyclone circled around his body. The armor from the soldiers then started forming new shapes, and attached to Templar's body. His pakari then fused to his head. Finally, the cyclone entered his body, and strange glowing showed through his body. The dark being spoke once again, but this time telepathically, that the cyclone was a powerful energy that templar could now harness. 3 years after the incident Templar has now mastered controling the energy, and is actually able to form solid objects from it. Under instructions from the dark being Templar recruited some of the most powerful warriors into an organization, the Dark Depths.
- Dark Templars are Darktan's royal guards, and will always be there for their master. They are a zealous race, whom are at Darktan's beck and call 24/7. Dark Templars are also able to manipulate shadow similar to their master, but their techniques are not as powerful, nor as potent as Darktan's. Their main duties are medical, so they heal any injuries a minion has (usually they use band-aids). A Dark Templar's appearance is armor plated, with a visage covered in spikes, and the shoulder pads are also covered in spikes. A beak is visible from the visage, and the armor itself is black, with a red X in the middle of the leather, which symbolizes that they are the "ambulance" of Darktan's army. They carry swords made out of feathers, to symbolize their loyalty to Darktan and also to tickle an opponent. Despite them being the doctors of the army, their powers over shadow allow them to remain unseen in the night. This technique is called "Shadow Melding" to members of Darktan's Army. They also use a variety of other techniques, such as using their powers to lift heavy loads of medical supplies to their battling army.