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- Aslan is an inactive BZPower member, comic character, and former comic writer. He is most remembered for his coauthorship of the hit series Livin' the Sprite Life. He is also the real-life brother of Kolewa.
- Aslan è stato per anni il personaggio principale de Le Cronache di Ernia, prima di diventare un detersivo, nemico giurato di Dixan.
- 200px|rightAslan ist ein Charakter aus Blood of Bahamut. Über seine Vergangenheit ist nichts bekannt, nur dass er ein Ritter war. Im Kampf benutzt er ein Großschwert. Kategorie:Charakter (BoB)
- Aslan was operated by Ailsa Berk, William Todd-Jones, and puppeteer Tim Rose. Actor Ronald Pickup provided the voice of Aslan.
- Aslan általában hatalmas, beszélő oroszlánként jelenik meg, amely jelképezi a szerepét, mint az „állatok királya”, hiszen Narnia lakosainak többsége beszélő állat volt. Ennek ellenére más alakokat is felvett, mint például A ló és kis gazdájában macskaként is megjelent, míg A Hajnalvándor útjában viharmadár (albatrosz) és bárány képében segítette a hősöket. nagyonn okos,és együttérző 2-szeris a könyv alatt
- Aslan (アスラン Asuran) was the king of the planet Kaien in the Shishi System who was murdered by a Vice Shogun named Kukuruga and also the father of the prince Lucky, who would later succeed him.
- Aslan is the Great Lion who is the tritagonist of the live-action film, The Chronicles of Narnia series. He is the Primordial Creator and True King of Narnia, a parallel world full of magic, he created as a replica of his own home, known to the Narnians' as Aslan's Country; a mysterious and peaceful world similar to the afterlife, the spirit world or Heaven itself.
- He is voiced by Liam Neeson in the live action adaptations.
- Aslan "el gran león", es un personaje menor de la serie animada "Los Simpsons". Es el personaje principal de las crónicas de Narnia, una serie de libros de fantasía creada por el escritor C.S. Lewis en los años 1950. Aparece interpretado por Ned Flanders en un Simpsons Comics.
- Aslan, also known as The Great Lion, is the creator and one true king of the world of Narnia, and generally a representation of all that is good.
- Aslan es un león, protagonista de las películas The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe y The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
- The Aslan is one of the four races in Etrian Odyssey V. They are the most human-like of races and have access to four classes: the Fencer, the Dragoon, the Reaper, and the Cestus.
- Aslan is the Lion Guardian of the Beams and the beam counterpart of Garuda. It is around Aslan's beam that Tim Ross encounters Maerlyn, who was turned into a tyger by The Covenant Man. Maerlyn tells Tim that The Covenant Man chose this form for him, because he probably wasn't smart enough to replicate a beam guardian. Aslan is named after the lion from C.S. Lewis' The Chronicle of Narnia series.
- Aslan was one of the Russian mobsters serving under Vladimir and Anatoly Ranskahov.
- Słowo aslan pochodzi z języka tureckiego i oznacza właśnie "lew". Aslan jest imieniem męskim występującym wśród muzułmanów, imię to nosił m.in. przywódca Czeczenów Asłan Maschadow. Aslan to potężny lew, jednocześnie dobry i groźny. Jest synem Władcy-Zza-Morza. Ma złotą, błyszczącą grzywę i poważne, przenikliwe oczy. Jego głos jest głęboki, trochę dziki, "przywodzący na myśl ciężkie złoto". Aslan jest stworzycielem Narnii, a zarazem jej władcą i opiekunem. Jest nieśmiertelną istotą. Jego siedziba mieści się na potężnej górze, położonej za oceanem, z której widać całą Narnię.
- Name: Aslan Gender: Male Age: Pre-dates creation itself Classification: Deity, The King of Narnia, The Son of The Emperor Beyond the Sea Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility and endurance, magic (his singing and roaring abilities have magical powers), shape-shifting, immortality (Type 1), illusion creation, healing, can create entire universes, sleep inducement, can enter the dreams of others, reality warping, omnipresence. Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman Stamina: Unknown, likely infinite Standard Equipment: Nothing Notable.
- Aslan is the guardian and deity of Narnia, and some agents believe Him to be the Christian God and/or Jesus. Aslan appears as a talking lion, but cannot be possibly confused with any of the talking animals in Narnia. Being omniscient, He knows all about the PPC, but do not expect Him to help agents or even favor them. Although He is generally depicted as good and wise, He is also quite mysterious and (like other deities) does not do His work according to whims of humans or other sentient creatures.
- Poland, 1998. A weird half dog, half lion thing was born in a bin. He climbed out of the bin, and was adopted by a four year old girl called Lutiski who took him home and trained him to be a show dog, and named him Aslan, meaning 'Retarded Poodle' in Polish. In three years he had grown to 8' 7" tall and could roar louder than a Chav's exhaust pipe. However, his "owner" happened to be a small girl who didn't own any Barbie dolls, and Aslan found himself a groom-doll for Lutiski. He was entered into his first competition aged three, but it went slightly wrong when Aslan ate all the other competitors and all but one of the judges. He did, however, win first place.
- thumb|AslanAslan, "El Gran León", es el personaje principal de Las Crónicas de Narnia. Aslan es el creador de Narnia e hijo del gran emperador de Allende los mares. Su papel en Narnia se desarrolla a lo largo de toda la serie, siendo el único personaje en aparecer en todos los libros. Durante la serie, se comenta que Aslan no es un león domado, tiene un gran poder y puede llegar a ser peligroso.