Attributes | Values |
| - Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap
Type Clarifier
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| - *The quote, "It looks like you're writing a suicide note. Would you like help?" refers to the text accompanying a popup by Clippy, the Microsoft Word assistant paperclip avatar.
*The quote, "You can't fool the Children of the Robolution!" is based on one of the chorus lines from the song Children of the Revolution, by T-Rex.
*The tag line "He's a MINAC, MINAC" is derived from the original lyrics to the Michael Sembello song "Maniac" used in the 1983 film Flashdance.
*The quote, "Resistance is futile. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own..." is a reference to the Borg Collective from the Star Trek series, as is "Why don't you just surrender and join the collective?..."
*The quote "MurderDeathKill! Annihilate! Exterminate!" is a multi-reference. In the Sylvester Stallone move "Demolition Man", police officers of the future refer to a homicide as a "MurderDeathKill" and "...Annihilate! Extermin-" is a nod to the title of Rotersand's 2005 single "Exterminate Annihilate Destroy" about the Daleks from Doctor Who.
*The "Is not a Claptrap entitled to the oil of his brow..." speech is a reference to Andrew Ryan's opening speech in the game BioShock which is another game from 2K Games.
*"I'm afraid. My mind is going. I can feel it. My mind is going..." is an homage to HAL 9000's final monologue in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
*"Shoryuken" is a reference to the special move [[w:c:streetfighter:Shoryuken
| - The Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap is the main antagonist of the Borderlands DLC, Claptrap's New Robot Revolution.
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| - *Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
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| - Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Four: Reboot
| - The Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap is a reprogrammed version of the very first Claptrap encountered in Fyrestone. At the completion of the game, Claptrap is reprogrammed , and rebranded as the "Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap." The INAC was programmed to kill off the Vault hunters indirectly, by "poisoning, setting traps, and spreading catty rumors" about them. Upon receiving its assignment, the INAC began to notice how Claptraps were enslaved by their programming and abused by the humans. The INAC then broke Hyperion's programming and began to raise a rebel CL4P-TP robot army, dubbing it the "Robolution." After a successful revolution, the INAC now leads the Claptrap forces in the hunt to exterminate humans.
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| - The INAC is the main boss of Claptrap's New Robot Revolution. While the Vault hunters are trying to track him down, he revives three bosses from previous Borderlands DLC campaigns and enhances them with Claptrap parts . Upon defeating each of these bosses twice, the Vault hunters come face-to-face with the INAC, in the final battle for the borderlands.