| - Calthoss' Cave is the duchy of the House of Sayerburn, ruled by Duchess Calthoss Sayerburn who was so-named after the ducal seat. It is an underground cave carved by by the River Arter, as well as a massive complex that includes a Hatchery (the term used for the houses of worship in the Faith of the Dragon Beneath this Earth), a library, quarters for two sicksisters (nurses), a sucklesister, a doctor, three priests, two librarians, twenty cooks, forty farmhands, and forty guardsmen. There are also stables, a dog kennel (which unsurprisingly was once a slave kennel) a chicken coop, and above the entire seat there is land for raising horses, sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. There are four farms on the property, as well as four silos that double as lighthouses, and as watchtowers. A modest-loo
| - Calthoss' Cave is the duchy of the House of Sayerburn, ruled by Duchess Calthoss Sayerburn who was so-named after the ducal seat. It is an underground cave carved by by the River Arter, as well as a massive complex that includes a Hatchery (the term used for the houses of worship in the Faith of the Dragon Beneath this Earth), a library, quarters for two sicksisters (nurses), a sucklesister, a doctor, three priests, two librarians, twenty cooks, forty farmhands, and forty guardsmen. There are also stables, a dog kennel (which unsurprisingly was once a slave kennel) a chicken coop, and above the entire seat there is land for raising horses, sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. There are four farms on the property, as well as four silos that double as lighthouses, and as watchtowers. A modest-looking keep, sometimes called "Grey Hermitage" serves as the home of the Sayerburns. It extends several hundred feet underground, and took many more hundreds of years to build. It is an elaborate house, with tens of rooms for guests, many kitchens, living spaces, bathrooms, a bathhouse, a second library (which connects to the first, as it takes up the lowest floor of the house), an indoor pool, and of course several quarters for the House of Sayerburn.