Shea Hublin was a renowned Human male pilot of the Galactic Empire known as "the Rebel Destroyer." Born around 35 BBY, Hublin grew up on the planet Talcene before joining the naval forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars at the age of sixteen. Hublin had not yet completed his flight training when the Confederacy of Independent Systems surrendered, but entered the service of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, at the end of the war and soon became an ace V-wing pilot. As leader of Sword Squadron in the 77th Air Wing, Hublin fought in the Western Reaches Operation of 17 BBY, helping to bring Imperial law to the Western Reaches of the galaxy. HoloNet coverage of Hublin's actions, most notably his assault on the Citadel of Axes at the Battle of Kelrodo-Ai, made him fam
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| - Shea Hublin was a renowned Human male pilot of the Galactic Empire known as "the Rebel Destroyer." Born around 35 BBY, Hublin grew up on the planet Talcene before joining the naval forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars at the age of sixteen. Hublin had not yet completed his flight training when the Confederacy of Independent Systems surrendered, but entered the service of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, at the end of the war and soon became an ace V-wing pilot. As leader of Sword Squadron in the 77th Air Wing, Hublin fought in the Western Reaches Operation of 17 BBY, helping to bring Imperial law to the Western Reaches of the galaxy. HoloNet coverage of Hublin's actions, most notably his assault on the Citadel of Axes at the Battle of Kelrodo-Ai, made him fam
| - *Rise of the Empire era
*Rebellion era
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| - *Galactic Republic
*Galactic Empire
*Eriadu Authority
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| - Shea Hublin was a renowned Human male pilot of the Galactic Empire known as "the Rebel Destroyer." Born around 35 BBY, Hublin grew up on the planet Talcene before joining the naval forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars at the age of sixteen. Hublin had not yet completed his flight training when the Confederacy of Independent Systems surrendered, but entered the service of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, at the end of the war and soon became an ace V-wing pilot. As leader of Sword Squadron in the 77th Air Wing, Hublin fought in the Western Reaches Operation of 17 BBY, helping to bring Imperial law to the Western Reaches of the galaxy. HoloNet coverage of Hublin's actions, most notably his assault on the Citadel of Axes at the Battle of Kelrodo-Ai, made him famous throughout the Empire and his likeness was subsequently used on Imperial recruitment posters. Following the end of the Western Reaches Operation, Hublin moved to Eriadu, where he was appointed as air marshal of the Greater Seswenna and married Eriadu News Service reporter Eris Harro. Hublin led Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's starfighters against pirates and criminals until he was injured when his squadron was ambushed by enemy fighters in 13 BBY. He subsequently took a position aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Kabalian Cross. After the death of Emperor Palpatine, Hublin returned to active duty as a TIE pilot in service to Superior General Sander Delvardus's Eriadu Authority. He was killed in action against New Republic forces at Sanrafsix in 5 ABY.
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