| - NeedABrain: Hmmm... what's that outside? People, there are IPs looking through the window! Poor IPs in the snow... maybe we... kinda... feel guilt? Or even... uh... let them in? Unison: Noooooo! NeedABrain: Whatever... (removes a piece of gut with his toy tweezers) Braydie: Hmm, if we did let them in though they could contribute to our party. Chronarion: I say we ban them pre-emptively for being cold in the snow. Mhaille: Jeez, I've had to trample over dozens of IPs to get here. Hey kids, what's happening? KWild: I don't know, I'm rarely ever here. Well, bye.
| - NeedABrain: Hmmm... what's that outside? People, there are IPs looking through the window! Poor IPs in the snow... maybe we... kinda... feel guilt? Or even... uh... let them in? Unison: Noooooo! NeedABrain: Whatever... (removes a piece of gut with his toy tweezers) Braydie: Hmm, if we did let them in though they could contribute to our party. Chronarion: I say we ban them pre-emptively for being cold in the snow. Mhaille: Jeez, I've had to trample over dozens of IPs to get here. Hey kids, what's happening? KWild: I don't know, I'm rarely ever here. Well, bye. Braydie: Mhaille, thank god you're here. Those IPs have started throwing rocks at the windows. NeedABrain: I lend you my scalpel, sir! Braydie: Ahh I thankyou kind sir, however, I don't currently have the dexterity to eliminate IPs. Maybe get one of the big kids to do it. NeedABrain: Not you, the old man there! You're always trying to steal my toys, aintcha? Braydie: No, and I swear it wasn't me that stole that knife of yours! NeedABrain: Liaaar! (kids start fighting) Braydie: Hmm, well we've looked all over for this turkey... Jamtrousers (calling from the rafters where he hangs like a very large, very ugly bat): Well, there's only one option as far as I can see; we're going to have to eat some of the IPs. NeedABrain: But is it healthy? How do you cook them? Braydie: Err, just put them in a pot, heat until done? DiZ: Hi-ho! Is that roasted IP I smell? Insineratehymn: I love roasted IP! Hand me some!