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- Anemone is a beautiful creamy-red mare with deep red mane and tail, who lives in the skies. Anemone herds clouds with the whiffle bears. Anemone's name comes from the Greek word for the four winds: Anemoi. In mythological terms, the four winds (north, east, south, west) were Boreas, Notus, Eurus, and Zephyrus.
- Anemone is a target in "Bingo Book - Fallen Order Lieutenants". She is a Fallen Order lieutenant who specializes in poisons.
- Anemone (アネモネ Anemone) is a soldier of the United Federation, as well as an artificial Humanoid Coralian.
- Anemone was a flower which suggested to the Rokugani a sincerity, well-wishing mood or emotion.
- Anemone is a SAM-type Medabot modeled after a sea anemone.
- Anemone is a plant that symbolizes unfading love. It is also a symbol of luck, anticipation, and protection against evil. Legend has it that when the anemone closes its petals, rain is approaching.
- The Anemone is a part of the Bensalem furni line. Many Habbos use it usually to make underwater themed rooms. It was released on: Nov 1st 2010.
- Latin anemōnē, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Anemone]] ἀνεμώνη (anemōnē), from Phoenician *naxmon, akin to Arabic shaka'ek al-No'man 'anemone' and [[w:|]] (Isiah Scroll) nit'y na'amanim 'plants of pleasantness', from na'em 'was pleasant'.
- Anemone is an unsplicable pain block which was added in the Hidden Riches update. There is a small chance for an Anemone to drop by breaking any splicable block during Sunday.
- The White Anemone is a white flower used for crafting White Dye.
- The "Anemone" is a trading schooner that sailed the coast of California. It was captained by Bill Weedles for many years, until Cap'n Bill was injured in an accident and lost his leg. He retired and his first mate, Charlie Griffiths, became captain in his place. (The Sea Fairies)
- The Anemone is a bloom in FarmVille. It is available as a single or a full bloom. Blooms can be put into the Bloom Garden.
- Anemone can be found on the 2nd Stratum (Undersea Grotto) on a secret path in B5F. A quest must be accepted in order to battle this monster, and you will also need the Moon Key to access a secret door on B6F.