| - It will unleash a nuclear explosion when hit by a water-based attack, dealing 60HP damage to EVERYTHING on-screen. It also takes x9001 damage from water-based attacks. This also has a high tendency to blind surviving towers, like the S.O.D.I.U.M. and similar. It contains 4 C.A.E.S.I.U.M.s, 14 P.O.T.A.S.S.I.U.M.s, 8 R.U.B.I.D.I.U.M.s, 18 D.D.T.s, 4 Z.O.M.G.s, and 6 Degrowth Grassy Bloons.
| - It will unleash a nuclear explosion when hit by a water-based attack, dealing 60HP damage to EVERYTHING on-screen. It also takes x9001 damage from water-based attacks. This also has a high tendency to blind surviving towers, like the S.O.D.I.U.M. and similar. It contains 4 C.A.E.S.I.U.M.s, 14 P.O.T.A.S.S.I.U.M.s, 8 R.U.B.I.D.I.U.M.s, 18 D.D.T.s, 4 Z.O.M.G.s, and 6 Degrowth Grassy Bloons. A notable quality of this blimp is its half-life of approximately 22 minutes. It loses 1% of its HP every 20 seconds in an event known as "Radioactive Decay", and is part of a long line of it. When it does this, it emits dangerous radioactive particles, that deal 5HP damage, plus giving the towers the same half-life of 22 minutes. This can cause the radiation to spread like a deadly virus. However, towers with any amount of AD take no damage and no not get the half-life. Shield Generators also completely block the dangerous particles, regardless of the level, as long as they are enabled. Towers with any amount of metal on them also have immunity to the radioactive particles. The F.R.A.N.C.I.U.M. decays into 2 A.S.T.A.T.I.N.E.s, 3 R.A.D.I.U.M.s, and 3 R.A.D.O.N.s after losing 4500HP to decay.