| - The Mercy is not constructed by a missile launcher. Instead, any Aeon factory that can construct a T2 Air Unit can also construct the Mercy. It fires a swirling cluster of bombs which are so volatile that launching them destroys the Mercy. The bomb does 2400 damage over a significant area of effect, making it effective at destroying both moving armies and tight clusters of buildings. Although it has low HP compared to other tech 2 air units, this isn't much of a drawback because it only needs to get close to its target once. Once constructed the Mercy cannot refuel or dock. This is a significant drawback because it has a very small fuel supply. And unlike aircraft, when a Mercy runs out of fuel, it immediately explodes. Based on its maximum speed and fuel limit, it has a maximum range of less than 700, almost three times the range of a Tactical missile launcher. Thus, a Mercy must be sent on its suicide mission soon after it is constructed(However note that it can land on the ground to save fuel). Mercy cannot be constructed by a Aeon T3 Aircraft Carrier or a CZAR. With the release of Forged Alliance, once launched, the Mercy cannot dock again to refuel. While this is a hinderance to the Mercy on large maps, it shouldn't really be used if your enemy is so far away that you must use a Carrier to move it into position. Most likely, by the time you have a Carrier capable of carrying mercies, your enemy will have enough flak, SAM, and shields to stop dead a full-blown T3 Strategic Bomber strike, let alone a Mercy snipe. Mercy snipes are for small quarters, and are most menacing when used to counter an ACU rush.