The Charge of the Light Brigade is a celebrated British military defeat that is today still commemorated in Britain by a ceremonial smashing of tea cups and sticking hot tea bags in ears. It marks a low in Anglo-Russian relations which saw many men killed over the possession of a famous teapot. The Charge wasn't good for horses either - 300 died of shame rather than admit they were killed by Russian cannon fire.
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| - Charge of the Light Brigade
| - The Charge of the Light Brigade is a celebrated British military defeat that is today still commemorated in Britain by a ceremonial smashing of tea cups and sticking hot tea bags in ears. It marks a low in Anglo-Russian relations which saw many men killed over the possession of a famous teapot. The Charge wasn't good for horses either - 300 died of shame rather than admit they were killed by Russian cannon fire.
- The Light Brigade, as the name suggests, were the British light cavalry force, mounting light, fast horses, unarmored and equipped with lances and sabres; optimized for maximum mobility and speed, they were intended for reconnaissance, skirmishing and cutting down infantry and artillery units as they attempted to retreat. The Heavy Brigade under James Scarlett was the British heavy cavalry force, mounting large, heavy chargers. Equipped with metal helmets and armed with cavalry swords for close combat; they were intended as the primary British shock force, leading frontal charges in order to break the enemy lines. Overall command of the British cavalry resided with Lieutenant General George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan. Cardigan and Lucan were brothers-in-law who disliked each other intensel
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supports archetypes
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fr name
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es lore
| - Manda al Cementerio las 3 cartas de la parte superior de tu Deck; añade a tu mano 1 monstruo "Luminoso/a" de Nivel 4 o menor en tu Deck.
el name
| - Έφοδος της Ταξιαρχίας του Φωτός
Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - ①:自分のデッキの上からカードを3枚墓地へ送って発動できる。デッキからレベル4以下の「ライトロード」モンスター1体を手札に加える。
it lore
| - Manda le prime 3 carte del tuo Deck al Cimitero; aggiungi 1 mostro "Fedele della Luce" di Livello 4 o inferiore dal tuo Deck alla tua mano.
pt name
| - Investida da Brigada da Luz
| - Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from your Deck to your hand.
pt lore
| - Envie os 3 cards do topo do seu Deck para o Cemitério; adicione 1 monstro "Luminoso" de Nível 4 ou menos do seu Deck para à sua mão.
zh lore
| - 可从我方牌组的上方依序将3张卡牌送入墓地并发动。从牌组中将1只等级4或以下、冠有「光道」之名的怪兽加入手牌。
it name
| - Carica della Brigata della Luce
trans name
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ko lore
| - 자신의 덱 위에서 카드를 3장 묘지로 보내고 발동한다. 자신의 덱에서 레벨 4 이하의 "라이트 로드"라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터 1장을 패에 넣는다.
de lore
| - Lege die obersten 3 Karten deines Decks auf den Friedhof; füge deiner Hand 1 „Lichtverpflichtet“-Monster der Stufe 4 oder niedriger von deinem Deck hinzu.
ko name
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de name
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es name
| - Carga de la Caballería Ligera
fr lore
| - Envoyez les 3 cartes du dessus de votre Deck au Cimetière ; ajoutez 1 monstre "Seigneur Lumière" de max. Niveau 4 depuis votre Deck à votre main.
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| - The charge was from left to right, with the Russian batteries at the extreme right
- Contemporary map showing line of the charge—"Charge des Anglais"
- The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava by William Simpson , illustrating the Light Brigade's charge into the "Valley of Death" from the Russian perspective.
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| - Map of port of Balaklava and route to Sevastopol 1855.png
- Valley-of-Death-Panorama.jpg
Ja Name
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| - * Sends from your Deck to your Graveyard for cost
* Adds from Deck to hand
| - Charge of the Light Brigade
| - The Light Brigade, as the name suggests, were the British light cavalry force, mounting light, fast horses, unarmored and equipped with lances and sabres; optimized for maximum mobility and speed, they were intended for reconnaissance, skirmishing and cutting down infantry and artillery units as they attempted to retreat. The Heavy Brigade under James Scarlett was the British heavy cavalry force, mounting large, heavy chargers. Equipped with metal helmets and armed with cavalry swords for close combat; they were intended as the primary British shock force, leading frontal charges in order to break the enemy lines. Overall command of the British cavalry resided with Lieutenant General George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan. Cardigan and Lucan were brothers-in-law who disliked each other intensely. Lucan received an order from the army commander Lord Raglan stating that "Lord Raglan wishes the Cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Troop Horse Artillery may accompany. French Cavalry is on your left. Immediate." Raglan in fact wished the light cavalry to prevent the Russians from successfully withdrawing the naval guns from the redoubts that they had captured on the reverse side of the Causeway Heights, the hill forming the south side of the valley. This was an optimum task for the Light Brigade, as their superior speed would ensure the Russians would be forced to either quickly abandon the cumbersome guns or be cut down en masse while they attempted to flee with them. Raglan could see what was happening from his high vantage-point on the west of the valley, but Lucan and the cavalry were unaware of what was going on owing to the lie of the land where they were drawn up. The order was drafted by Brigadier Richard Airey and was carried by Captain Louis Edward Nolan, who carried the further oral instruction that the cavalry was to attack immediately. When Lucan asked what guns were referred to, Nolan is said to have indicated, by a wide sweep of his arm, not the Causeway redoubts but the mass of Russian guns in a redoubt at the end of the valley, around a mile away. His reasons for the misdirection are unclear, as he was killed in the ensuing battle. In response to the order, Lucan instructed Cardigan to lead 673 (some sources state 661; another 607) troopers of the Light Brigade straight into the valley between the Fedyukhin Heights and the Causeway Heights, famously dubbed the "Valley of Death" by the poet Tennyson. The opposing Russian forces were commanded by Pavel Liprandi and included approximately 20 battalions of infantry supported by over fifty artillery pieces. These forces were deployed on both sides and at the opposite end of the valley. Lucan himself was to follow with the Heavy Brigade. Although the Heavy Brigade was better armored and intended for frontal assaults on infantry positions, neither force was remotely equipped to frontally assault a fully dug-in and alerted artillery battery, much less one with an excellent line of sight over a mile in length and supported on two sides by supporting artillery batteries providing enfilading fire from elevated ground. The semi-suicidal nature of this charge was surely evident to the troopers of the Light Brigade, but if there was any objection to the orders, it was not recorded.
- The Charge of the Light Brigade is a celebrated British military defeat that is today still commemorated in Britain by a ceremonial smashing of tea cups and sticking hot tea bags in ears. It marks a low in Anglo-Russian relations which saw many men killed over the possession of a famous teapot. The Charge wasn't good for horses either - 300 died of shame rather than admit they were killed by Russian cannon fire.