| - __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png File:Nav bar right.png File:1378444 627226033989100 1946306354 n.jpg Burn Them All! The Golden Knights are an alliance of Majority active members with a bunch of casual players. We are lead by 3 leaders whom, depending on the time of day rotate between leaders to ensure there is always a leader online to respond to ravens and member inquiries in a rapid manner. GK started in the early days of GOTA before AvA even begun, it was lead by an Australian named Josh Pere. Upon retiring from the app one phase into AvA, Mindi Thrash and Vilnius Nastavnik, officers at the time took over the alliance and along with Eero Santala, rotated time leadership with each taking a 8 hour shift depending on the time zones, being with each leader being 8 hours ahead, or behind another. Eero eventually had to decrease his time on the app due to real world committments, and Chris took over his responsibilities and soon became the official European Leader of the Golden Knights. The Golden Knights pride themselves on maintaining a standard of co-operation and enjoyment within buth the social and competitive portions of game. The alliance, whilst being lead by officers, is ultimately run by the members themselves, any concerns raised to the alliance administration is address within 24 hours and changes are implemented to ensure all members feel safe and happy within the alliance, and enjoy their time on the app with friends, both new and old. We keep close ties with our allies, and encourage them to send aid/barters/bribes to each other, even if they are not allied.